Final Part: Back to School

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AN: IM A PROCRASTINATING PIECE OF SHIT, and I'm not afraid to admit it. Plus you guys have been begging for this so I'll realse this now. BYE-BYE

Ash's POV

It's been a few days since Mew joined my team and she has taken a huge liking to Pikachu. It's rare you find them apart. Lusamine is very intrigued in Mew and studies her a lot, although Pikachu gets in the way most of the time. Me and Lillie haven't been able to go to school recently because we been needing to keep an eye out on Mew but today is the day that me and Lillie are going to school.

"Ash wake up." I hear Lillie say, but purposely ignore. "Ash get up! ASH WAKE UP!" Lillie screamed. Next thing I new I was smacked in the face.

"Was that necessary." I say with a sore cheek.

"Yes that absolutely necessary. We have to wake up early for school." I realize what she said and shot accidentally bashed my head into Lillie's. "Ow Ash, tell me when you going to shot your head up. Whatever get up we need to eat breakfast." Lillie sighed.

"What no morning kiss?" I pout. Then I feel Lillie rush her lips onto mine while her face grows redder.

"T-There now get ready p-please." Lillie said with a blush.

I get up and stretch and get changed out of his pj's. Leaving the bed room with my hat and backpack on. I walk to the kitchen to eat breakfast with Lillie and Lusamine.

"Goodmorning Ash. How was your sleep?" Lusamine asked in a subtle yet nice way.

"I had a good sleep. How about you Lusamine?" I respond.

"I had a fine sleep myself." Lusamine said stuffing her face with food.

I look over to Lillie, she was just staring at me. When I looked at her she acted like she wasn't looking at me with a light blush on her face. I just shrug it off and finish my breakfast.

We get into the limousine and drive to the school. Lillie stared at me then a smile grew and her face. She slide over to me never breaking eye contact. She started to kiss me. This then turned into making out. We we making out for about two minutes before breaking away.

"I love you Ash." Lillie whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

Not even realizing that the limousine was at the school, the two quickly get out of the limo with there bags and walk into the school. When the duo walked into the class the other four students were shocked to see Lillie and Ash again.

"Lillie it feels like forever since I last saw you!" Mallow yellef running up to Lillie giving her a hug.

"Nice to see you too Mallow." Lillie makes to say in the right hug.

"Hey Ash!" Kiawe says running over.

"Kiawe! Good to see you." Ash replied.

"Alright class settle down. I'm sure everybody is happy that Ash and Lillie have returned by this is still a school, and you are all my students." Kukui reminded.

Everybody took there seats and class begun. About half way through class the lunch bell rang. "Alright class we'll resume after lunch. Class dismissed." Kukui remarked.

"Ash can you come here for a sec." Lillie asked with horror washed over her face.

"Ok what is i-" Ash stopped mid sentence seeing snowy laying on the ground with a crimson streak over her forehead and what seem to be scorch marks on her. "Uh-oh. This is not going to be good." Ash remarked. Lillie gave him a 'no-shit' face.

Lillie kept Snowy in her pokeball for the rest of the day. After everyone said there good byes the duo raced to the pokemon center to address the situation. Upon arriving at said pokemon center Ash and Lillie were panting but still scarred for Snowy. "Welcome to the pokemon center how may I help you?" Nurse joy asked with a bit of an uncomfortable face.

Liilie released snowy from her pokeball with even more black marks and an ever darker red streak. Nurse Joy's face was struck with horror. Joy made a motion with her hand to make Ash and Lillie move towards her. "This is a very deadly disease your vulpix has. It is incredibly rare but there is a cure. Placto berries. They are very hard to find because of there bazaar growing conditions, but you will have to climb up vast poni canyon and reach the altar of the sun. You will then have to call on Solgaleo to ride into an ultra wormhole. You need to go to a place called ultra forest. There you'll have to battle an ultra beast named Kartana and if you beat it you'll have to make your way to the end of the forest to claim your prize. The catch is you can only bring 1 Placto berry with you. Have a nice day guys!" Nurse Joy concludes. The duo stand there with so many different expressions on there face but they both know something. This is going to be, The Search For The Remedy.

My Love for You (Aureliashipping Pokémon)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz