Thank's A Lot and A Bit of Backstory on My fanfiction "Career"

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Today was a typical day for me. Sitting at home reading aureliashipping and iconshipping pokemon fanfics and avoiding the Corona Virus and I go to my stories created and I see this has 1000+ views. I say to myself, "I must be fucking dreaming." (Sorry for language.) I just want to thank you guys so much. Ever since last year late October I decide to go to  and read some friskriel stories and I loved reading how people shipped my favorite undertale ship. I was looking at different fanfiction sites and saw Wattpad. I decide to download it on my phone and I decided to make "My Little Azzy" which used to be called "Friskriel forever" but I thought the first few chapters sucked donkey, but I thought 'I enjoy doing this. I finally found something to do other then to sit on my ass and play games and watch youtube all day.' I loved Wattpad, but I went through a dry period. Around Christmas time last year which was 2019 I was banned from playing games from December 9-24th and that included not being able to use my phone so I stopped using Wattpad because I kinda forgot about it and had to catch up on youtube, but there was a saving grace called Aureliashipping. Aureliashipping is a ship of Ash ketchum and Lillie from pokemon if you didnt know and I was in love with the ship. I downloaded Wattpad again and I realized, 'I never finished My little Azzy.' I felt so bad because I knew I had some audience who liked the story. I finished the first book and I speculate I will make the next book in a month or two. I currently have 3 stories going on and I need to finish 2 of them then I'll start working on the second book for My Little Azzy. Some of you who read Family of Goats think I might have abandoned it but I haven't. I'm just a lazy piece of shit which didnt want to do it. I fell under the category of dont feel like doing My Little Azzy or reading fanfics then I'll work on it. Same thing with Trapped. But, I am going to post the next part to Trapped, Family of Goats, and the Aureliashipping story which I'm renaming Ather Love. I'll give a spoiler to the next part for Trapped and Ather Love. Trapped is going to have it where Ash and Lillie ask what happened to Ash's Pikachu and Lillie's newly caught Eevee.(Hint: I'm going to make another story about that with Pikachu and Eevee which will be Iconshipping.) Ather Love is going to take place 3 years in the future and Mew and Pikachu have a child named Michu. (Thanks to the creator of Akira's Quest I think it's called and the pre-story which I forgot the name of, for letting me use Michu and Mikachu.) If you read all the way to here your a legend and comment: Fuzzy Pickles if you want. I choose Fuzzy Pickles because my first ship was Ness x Paula from Earthbound. If you dont know what Earthbound is the watch a guy named Chuggaaconroy play through it. If you dont know who Chuggaaconroy is... get out. Jk. But anyways I would just want to thank you all for the support and I bid thee farewell.

Ps: If I didnt add this Ps note then the total words would have been 569 XD

My Love for You (Aureliashipping Pokémon)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant