10. Return

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Bizzle returns. Anna goes to find him at match.

Anna: " Wow! He is good, They won the match!"

Anna finally manages to take Mr Bizzle's permission to have the interview. Mr Bizzle and his friend Jaden get's in the car.

Jaden: " Congratulations mate! You have improved a lot Bieber."

Bizzle : " Really? You should work hard for your sake."

Jaden: "Leave me. Who is that girl?"

Bizzle: " what girl?"
Jaden: "you were talking to her about something a while ago."

Bizzle: " Oh, you mean the reporter?"

Jaden : " What? She is a reporter . I was sure she is your girlfriend.. What magazine does she write for or is it a newspaper?"

Bizzle: "What did she say? I think it was Princess something like that."

Jaden: "Yeah, Yeah, that's a ladies magazine. You must be getting famous, It's for total coverage thing, right?"

Bizzle: " You seem to have a lot knowledge."

Jaden : " My sister reads it all the time. She is always telling me that I should be in total coverage."

Bizzle: "Hmph"

Jaden: "Now you are going to have even more female fans, but hey, you don't seem interested in this at all."

Bizzle: " Honestly I am not , I just want more people to get to know about Basketball. I agreed to this coverage just for that reason. So I really don't care whether reporter is a woman or is reporting for women's magazine, or if it gets more female fans."

Jaden: "You were only interested just because of sports. She is such a cute reporter, too. You better not bully her."

Bizzle: " Cute?"

When he says that I try to remember her face. My image of her is hazy and the outlines are blurry. I can't really remember what she looks like. All I can really remember is she worked so hard to persuade me for the interview.

Bizzle : " Hey! Who are you calling a bully?"

Jaden : " You of course. You don't even know when you are bullying people. I worry about that poor reporter."

Bizzle: "I have no intentions of bullying her."

Jaden: " How can you say that when you have made so many women cry?! It must be nice to be you, A Basketball fanatic and popular with ladies."

Bizzle: " who is Basketball fanatic? "

Jaden: " Hahaha You of course."

When he sees the look of astonishment, Jaden laughs. I don't even mean to do that. I don't want to bully people, and I don't want to be popular. I don't want to make women cry. The truth is I really don't want to participate in this magazine article."

( Recalls conversation with Anna)

Anna: " I want to get people to know about basketball that a sport like that exist. I want to convey the excitement and emotions that I felt today!

(end of Flash back)

I hear her impassioned voice again in my head, if she is speaking honestly then I think she will write a good article. I close my eyes so Jaden will stop talking.

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