It was the sweater girl and they were so freaked out, they bolted.

Librarian: You will work with Ms- Huh?

They were hiding in the boys bathroom and stayed there for the rest of their detention.

Jason: Maybe we should've waited, she was gonna tell us her name.

Axel: Yeah, I panicked.


Jessica: That would explain why you had double detention.

Axel: Yeah and remember this time, it was really awkward.

Jason: Um dude, it's not a flashback, she's really there.

Axel and Jason then took off like jets away from Jess and the girl.

Sweater Girl: Hey wait!

Finally the day was over and the girls were hanging out in their hide out under Sweet Justice with Axel and Jason.

Axel: That was the longest day ever! But we managed to get through today.

Jason: With the rest of them to go.

Zee: You know, you can't hide from her forever, sooner or later, you're gonna have to ask for her name.

Axel: Noway, you of all people should know about the window Zee.

Diana: The window?

Axel: The window of opportunity when it's socially acceptable to ask what their name is. After the third time you met them, that window closes and after that, the window gets a lock on it, another bolt, another shutter and so on. Our window with her would be harder to open than a ski resort in the Sahara Desert.

Jason: And the funny thing is that now we're in a bind now.

Babs: Why?

Jason: She's in the parlor now so we can't leave.

Zee: You can't stay here forever you know and I doubt she can either and besides, she's probably too busy eating to notice. That's how it is with Kara.

Axel: You're probably right, we have a movie to catch anyway.

The two came up from the hideout and found the girl enjoying her death by chocolate and she hasn't noticed them yet. They tiptoed quietly to the door and they were almost home free until the bell on the door rang, grabbing her attention.

Sweater girl: Oh, hi Jason, Axel!

Axel: *whispers* Busted!

Jason: *whispers* Now what!?

Axel:*whispers* I got an idea, I'll try and list all the girl names until I see a look of recognition on her face, one of them has to be her name.

He turns around and walks to her table for a "chat".

Axel: Hey....*slowly* Abi-Ashley-Amy-B-Brittne-uh, B-Bel- Cami-Cathri-uuuhhhhhh

Jason: Sorry about him, *slowly*  uh, Donn-Eliz-Francine- G-greta- Gra- uuuuuhhhhhh

Sweater girl: Uh, nevermind, bye guys.

She left feeling weirded out by the two.

Axel: Phew! Thank goodness.

Jessica: You know you can still ask her name.

Axel: No, we just gotta find out her name without her realizing it. Simple as that. come on Jason.

Jessica: This may not end well.

The next day, Jason and Axel were having a math test and the sweater girl with taking it too. She finished first and handed to the teacher, then left the class. Axel and Jason nodded to each other and handed their tests in to take a look at her work for her name. However, there was an big A+ on the paper where the name was so they couldn't see it clearly. They got their tests back, Jason got a B+ while Axel got a C-. Later, they tried to find her name in the nurse's record. They snuck in and looked through the files that had info on all the students including her who was there last time because of an injury from P.E. during dodgeball, when Doris tossed the ball at her face and gave her a bloody nose. But when they found the file, they were caught by the nurse and she took them to the principal. At the mall, they tried to get her name from her phone, she was texting someone and Axel and Jason had to get close enough to see her name on one of the messages. They were hiding behind the fountain and saw her sit down on the edge. Jason attempted to quietly look over her shoulder onto her screen but then he slipped and fell in the fountain with a splash, the girl turned only to find nothing and left the mall. Jason rose up from the water as he hid underwater and sighed in defeat.

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