Dawn of Darkness: Reign of Shadows

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Synopsis: Zaakii has breached into the heroes realm and it is plunging the world and the entire universe into complete and total darkness and evil all hope as we know it is lost..............or is it?

Downtown in Metropolis, the Lexcorp building stood tall and quietly, the only thing about it that's active were the employees inside, plus scientist's chatting and the front desk worker typing on her computer.

Downtown in Metropolis, the Lexcorp building stood tall and quietly, the only thing about it that's active were the employees inside, plus scientist's chatting and the front desk worker typing on her computer

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That is until the front doors were thrown open and in came Lex Luthor Himself.

Lex Luthor: *sigh* It's good to be back! It took my lawyers a bit longer than they promised to get me out of prison, but it was worth it

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Lex Luthor: *sigh* It's good to be back! It took my lawyers a bit longer than they promised to get me out of prison, but it was worth it. Now, I can get back on track to putting Lexcorp at the top of the world. Oh, and get rid of those meddling superheroes that ruined everything for me and the Legion of Doom the last time. Yes, nothing can stand in my way now!

Before he can use the elevator to go to his office though, there was a rumbling noise and all the lights went out. Then there were noises from the basement door and soon, shadow tentacles burst through into the lobby and black ooze spilled out onto the floor as well.

Lex Luthor: What the heck is going on!?

Then, Lex got a good look at who came through the basement door, Zaakii, Nera, Gene, and Madame X. Surrounding them, were the employees caught in the black ooze and are now under Zaakii's control.

Madame X: Prepare the sight so we may start the end of this world!

Employees: *possessed* Yes, sister.

Lex Luthor: Hey, hold on, you can't just bust in here and- AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Before Lex could protest any further, he was suddenly entangled in the living ooze and was mutated into a shadow creature as well. The other employees and scientists ran in fear and tried to escape the building, but the tentacles grabbed them before they made it to the exit and the black ooze formed a spider web barricade that spread everywhere else. Outside, people began to take notice of what's happening inside the Lexcorp building as black substance covered the windows. They also saw pitch black clouds building overhead, covering the sky over Metropolis, totally blocking out the sun over the city, making it look like it's nighttime and they started to worry.

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