☥ Chapter 5 ☥

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"Since, uh when did you join choir?" Frank asked quietly as the teacher began warmups once again.

"Since yesterday when I asked to have my schedule tweaked." Gerard said, making Frank think.

"But I thought they weren't allowing any more switching?" Frank questioned, a puzzled look upon his face, which made Gerard's heart absolutely melt because of how innocent and adorable he looked.

"Well yes- but I failed art in the first semester, and I was still in it but I made a deal with the principal; if I'm put into choir then I'll actually try and pass it, unlike art." Gerard explained.

That made Frank wonder. Everyone- and when I say everyone, I mean everyone- knew that Gerard was a talented artist. Possibly the best in his grade. How did he fail art?

The answer is actually quite simple; Gerard just didn't want to do the work the art teacher assigned. In his defense though, who really wanted to draw assigned things? He'd much rather be drawing pictures of zombie-cats, vampires and aliens way more than drawing a bowl of fruit.

So when he was given the job of drawing a simple still-life picture of a coffee mug, he decided he would spice it up in his own way. And in his way, I mean taking the time to draw a much too complex pencil sketch of a mug on a table. Around said mug were a bunch of ghosts and demon-like creatures scaring old men and women in a nursing home. He managed to make the background look like it came from a zombie apocalypse with all the destruction done to that one room, all from the spirits. Another thing in that photo was the window you could see in the backdrop. Outside of that window were tons of UFOs, all abducting cows.

But overall, that single coffee mug was still there, so technically he did the project and technically he should've gotten a good grade for that one but no. His teacher had told him that it was a very wonderful and creative piece, but it didn't match the criteria. All because it wasn't simple. Simple his ass. Gerard Way didn't do simple. Never has and never will.

The two boys didn't talk didn't talk much after that, in fear that they would be moved away. Well, Gerard was only afraid of being moved away from Frank. In all honesty, he wasn't expecting to be this lucky and have his seat right next to Frank's.

And Frank was only afraid of being called out by his teacher. He absolutely dreaded getting called out by any teacher. He was by no means a teacher's pet, he just liked to get his work done and make sure he wasn't in the spotlight of attention, unlike some of his other classmates who do the weirdest- but also funniest- things for a reaction. That was just their personalities though, Frank thought. So whatever crazy things his peers did, he went along and laughed with them and everyone else.

Although Frank was quiet and kept to himself most of the time, he wasn't necessarily disliked or bullied by anyone at his school. But when he did decide to open up more and be more social than he usually was (most likely with the help of Jamia), people enjoyed his presence.

There were just certain classes where he didn't really like being as social as he did in some others. Like choir. He was probably one of the quietest in his entire choir.

So when the class was done with warmups and was assigned with identifying key signatures by themselves he was content. He liked practicing music theory because he wasn't forced to have his voice be heard out. Frank thought everything was going fine until he felt a poke on his left shoulder.

"Frankie," Gerard whispered, "I think I need some help with this."

Frank looked over at what the older boy was referring to, seeing it was their practice.

"It's the key signatures. You just gotta tell which key it's in." Frank explained.

"Yeah that's gonna be a problem, I don't exactly know how to do that... Could ya help me?"

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