☥ Chapter 1 ☥

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The bell had just rung, signaling for the class to end. Frank walked down the cramped corridor, managing to almost get elbowed in the face only twice. He made his way to his locker and stopped to open it and grab his things for his next hour. As people walked past him, he noticed someone standing next to him and smiling. He saw from his peripheral vision the boy that has been making his heart swoon and flutter for the past month, but only Frank knew that.

Frank turned his head towards the taller boy and smiled while closing his locker shut.

"Hey, y'know I was feelin' a little off today, but then I saw you and you turned me on. How'd you manage to do that just by standing there?" Gerard said before Frank could even say anything to him, making Frank's cheeks flush.

Frank smiled sweetly and shook his head, "Shut up, Gerard. You're so full of it. Stop being such a flirt, your pick up lines aren't even any good."

"Yet they still have an effect on your pretty little face."

Gerard was right; they did still have an effect on Frank, but Frank wouldn't ever let Gerard know how he really felt. For all he knew, Gerard was doing this to play around. That's just what Gerard did. He flirted with everyone, so Frank had to make it apparent to the boy that he felt nothing, when in reality, Frank really felt something for Gerard.

"Don't call me pretty, Gerard. I can and will punch you in the face." Frank said, and started walking away but groaned when he noticed Gerard following him down the hall.

"I didn't call you pretty, I called your face pretty. Besides, I know you can't punch me, you're too nice for that." Gerard teased with a sly smirk playing on his face.

"There's a lot you don't know about me."

"Then let's change that."

"No, Gerard." Frank quickly stated as he stopped outside of the music department, a look of worry flashing over his face, "I'm gonna go now, class is about to start. You should go too, or you'll be tardy."

"I don't care about a little tardy. I wanna stay here and watch you move those lips of yours while you sing, and hear that soft, angelic voice." The older of the two winked. Frank raised his book, about to hit Gerard but he cowered away. "Aw, you're feisty, Frankie."

"I'm leaving, Gerard." Frank said, going into the classroom, leaving Gerard outside with a small smile on his face.

Gerard stood there for a moment and thought of an idea.

He walked down to the office and opened the door, saying hello to both of the receptionists, then asked one of them, "Can I change one of my classes to choir?"


hii im so sorry this chapter is so short ): i tried making it longer and better but it just wouldn't work lmao, but i promise the next chapters will be much longer. i'm aiming for around 500-1000 words in the future chapters, so i promise they'll be longer once the plot starts developing more (and i already have it figured out so it won't take long (; ) i really hope u guys enjoy this more once i get the other chapters written and published !! (: xøjasper

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