☥Chapter 9☥

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Frank and Gerard had been texting more and hanging out more as each day passed by. And so Frank was a little disappointed to see that Gerard hadn't been in school for the whole week. Though, he might've been overreacting, as it was only Wednesday. So he was hoping that Gerard would be there today.

Frank continued thinking of Gerard all throughout the morning as he got ready and on his walk to school. When he arrived, he saw Jamia waiting at the front entrance with earbuds in, as he does every day. He walked up to her and pulled one of her buds out, making her face turn into an angry frown until she saw who it was.

She immediately smiled and said, "You scared the shit out of me. I thought I was gonna have to punch you."

"Yeah, I thought you were gonna punch me too." Frank said as they walked into the building together.

The two walked to Jamia's locker first so she could get whatever she needed for her first class. It was a routine for them at this point, though neither really cared. They both actually quite liked it, it made them both feel secure for some odd reason that even they couldn't figure out.

But they couldn't stick together all day like they would've liked to. Frank and Jamia had to go separate ways once class started. They said their goodbyes and made their way to their own classrooms.

The day continued on surprisingly quick, and Frank was expecting choir to be just as quick, especially since it's his last class and they always seem to end quickly.

He walked into the music room, which was only a tad bit noisy, it usually was before class started. Frank walked to his assigned seat and sat down, putting his folder below it.

He pulled out his phone and started scrolling through tumblr, liking and reblogging posts he saw about cute dogs. His attention was stolen by someone sitting down in the seat next to him though. He looked up and saw it was Gerard, smiling down at him. The younger boy shut his phone off and smiled back, his cheeks turning pink at the eye contact they held.

"Hiya handsome." The taller boy said, making Frank turn his head down and let out a breathy laugh.

"Hi Gee." He said and looked back up, admiring the twinkle in Gerard's hazel eyes. Frank was slowly getting used to Gerard's flirty comments and compliments with the more that they spent time together.

"I haven't seen you in forever, Frankie. Did you miss me?"

"It's been like, three days; no I haven't missed you." That was a complete lie. He really did miss him. Does that make him clingy?

No, he's just happy that he has another friend. A friend that he thinks is so beautiful and divine. A friend that he's starting to trust so much, he feels he could tell him everything. A friend that sometimes gets so close to his face, he thinks it wouldn't be hard to just lean in and-

No. Well... okay maybe Frank has thought about kissing him. Maybe Frank really really does want to kiss him. Like a lot.

He realizes he's lost in thought and staring when Gerard is speaking again.

"Oh, come on. So you didn't miss me like, at all?" Frank shook his head no at that. "Well, I'll have you know that I missed you dearly."

Frank was going to respond to that, but the bell had already rung, indicating that the class was starting. So he just scoffed and shook his head, listening as the teacher spoke.

When class ended, he said his goodbye to Gerard quickly, and the taller boy promised he would text him. He really just wanted to get home and chill out.

Bitter and the Sweetness ☥ FrerardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora