☥ Chapter 10 ☥

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Poke Poke

Franked groaned. Another poke to his cheek had his eyes fluttering open.

"Hey there," a soft voice spoke, "You awake now?"

"Yeah," the younger boy groaned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, "what time is it?"


"Shit, why'd we sleep so long? When did we even fall asleep?" Frank asked, trying to wake up more.

"You fell asleep around 6:30 and I stayed up till maybe 7?" Gerard said, pushing a couple stray hairs behind Frank's ear.

Frank hummed, acknowledging what the other said and plopped back down on his bed. He looked up to Gerard and studied him. He seemed worried, he was picking at his nails and continuously checking his phone.

"Is everything okay?" Frank asked softly, noticing his tension.

"Yeah- Yeah, everything's fine. I just uh- can't find any ride back home, and I kinda get nervous walking this late at night." He explained.

Frank sat back up and wrapped his arms around Gerard's shoulders, nuzzling his face into his shoulder. "Just stay here then." He yawned.

The ravenette chuckled and looked down at the smaller boy.

"Are you sure? Would it be okay with your parents?"

Frank lifted his head from the other's shoulder, "My mom's not coming home till tomorrow evening, so it'll just be you and I, if you choose to stay."

"What about your sister?" Gerard asked and Frank tensed up, remembering that he lied about having a sister.

"Oh uh, she's with my- my dad...? Yeah my dad." He quickly stated.

"Okay then... as long as it's okay with you."

"I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't." Frank laughed and pulled away from him. "I'm gonna make
some food, do you want any?"

"What're you gonna make?" Gerard asked as Frank climbed out of his bed and stood in his

"I dunno. I was just gonna look around at what I have; make whatever sounds good enough." He said, opening the door and walking out, a silent invitation for Gerard to follow.

Frank stood at his door of the pantry, looking around at what was in it. He was quietly mumbling to himself, figuring out what he could make for him and his bo- Gerard.

He then felt arms wrap around his torso and a face nuzzle into the crook of his neck. He jumped in surprise but giggled and relaxed into Gerard's embrace.

He liked this. A lot.

He felt Gerard start to plant kisses all over his neck and smiled.

Actually, he loved this.

"Does anything look good to you?" Frank asked quietly.

"Hm, you do." The other responded, still giving light pecks on the smaller boy's neck.

"Shut up," Frank giggled. "I think I might make pizza. Is that okay with you?"

"Hm, sounds great, Frankie." Gerard wouldn't let go though, and instead just kept him in his embrace, savoring every moment that the shorter boys was in his arms

"Gee, you're gonna have to let me go to get the pizza."

"But you're so... loveable, I don't wan' let go."

Damn, and I thought that I was clingy.

"C'mon, please?" He giggled, "You can continue after I put the pizza in."

"Fine." The older boy mumbled and let go, allowing Frank to prepare the food.

It only took a couple minutes for the oven to preheat and Frank to put the frozen pizza in. So when he was done with that, he set a timer on his phone for 13 minutes and walked over to

Gerard, who was slouched on the couch.

As soon as the shorter boy was on the couch with him, he leaned into Gerard's side and wrapped an arm around his torso.

"Finally you're back, I missed you, baby." Gerard mumbled, kissing Frank's temple and holding him close.

Frank flushed at the pet name, that's a new one, but didn't bring it up.

"Are you just always missing me?"

"Only when you're not with me."

"You're so clingy." Frank lightly chuckled. He felt two fingers lift his chin to look up at the other boy, and he stared into hazel eyes.

Gerard said nothing and just smiled, their eyes holding contact for a couple of moments before he closed the gap between them and connected their lips.

Frank sat up slightly and turned his body around to get in a more comfortable position on
Gerard's lap, all without breaking their lips apart. The shorter boy straddled Gerard and wrapped his fingers together behind the ravenette's neck, while the latter's hands moved to rest atop the small boy's thighs.

Their lips danced together sweetly. Gerard's thumbs were drawing circles on top of both of Frank's upper thighs.

Frank felt like he was on cloud nine as he felt Gerard go to deepen the kiss. Big hands squeezed and caressed his thighs, and a tongue was making its way into his mouth for the second time that night.

The browned haired boy relaxed in his touch, and allowed himself to be more bold this time around.

Frank wrapped his fingers in Gerard's hair and pulled slightly, just to get a reaction out of the other. And oh my, did he get a reaction.

Gerard's grip turned into an almost bruising grip and groaned into the kiss.

Frank liked that... a lot.

He wanted to test what else Gerard would do, so he pushed the taller boy back so he was fully resting on the backrest of the couch, and in doing so, disconnected their lips and looked into

Gerard's confused but lust filled daze.

Frank didn't know exactly what to do. He was completely new to actually doing something like this with another person. So he thought back to what Gerard did to him earlier that night, and dipped his head to connect his lips with the taller boy's neck.

Gerard groaned once again and moved one of his hands to Frank's hair, leaving the other still gripping the other's thigh.

He let out a breathy chuckle as Frank lightly grazed his teeth on his neck.

"Since when did you get so eager and bold, Frankie?" He asked, tugging the strands of hair between his fingers.

Frank pulled his head back up, his cheeks flushed red.

"Shut up." He mumbled, looking down at the hand on his thigh.

His gaze was pulled back up though, as Gerard gripped and pulled his hair back. It was gentle enough to where it didn't hurt too bad, but still harsh enough to leave a pleasant sting and make him whimper.

"Ah ah, don't get so shy on me all of a sudden, sweetheart." Frank didn't get to respond as Gerard started to speak again, "Hope you didn't leave any marks on me, Frankie. I might just have to do the same to you if you did."

"But- you already did! Earlier!"

His head was pulled back again, and further to where his head was tilted up at the ceiling.

Gerard leaned closer to his ear and whispered to him.

"Then I'll just leave more..." His hand left the shorter boy's thigh, the other still resting in his hair, and lightly trailed it along the sides and front of Frank's neck, "more where everyone will see. Hm? How's that sound?"

Holy shit since when could his voice get this low and hot?

Frank didn't know what to say to that. He wanted to tell him that he could do anything that he wanted, and could leave as many or as little visible hickies on and around his neck.

But he couldn't form any words, he felt so hot, everywhere. Like he was burning just from Gerard's words. All he could do was let out yet another whimper and try to rock his hips into the older's.

"What's the matter, love? You're speechless now. Desperate from just a few words, hm?" Gerard teased, kissing a spot under Frank's ear.

Frank felt Gerard's hands move to under each of his thighs, so he moved his own to the other's shoulders. Gerard lifted the lighter boy and moved him so that he was laying down against the cushions and crawled between his legs.

Frank stared up at Gerard with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, noticing the taller's smirk. Before either of them could do or say anything, an alarm interrupted them.

Frank groaned in frustration, and picked his phone out of his pocket, turning the noise off.

Gerard chuckled and softly asked, "Is that for the pizza?"

Frank looked up and nodded, pushing himself up to go tend to it.

"I'll go get it, baby. You just stay right here and look pretty, okay?" Gerard said and leaned down to give a quick peck to Frank's lips.

The younger smiled and nodded once again, not saying anything as Gerard got up and went to the kitchen.

He laid back down and thought to himself.

How did all of that happen in only 13 minutes? It felt like it was going on for so much longer.

He never wanted it to stop.

The two boys finished their pizza, and decided to put on a movie in the living room. Though they didn't pay much attention to it, it just became background noise and they sat and talked.

"Have you thought about what you want to do for your birthday?"

"Hm, I dunno. Might just do what I do every year and just hang out here with Jamia and watch horror movies. She wants me to do something more special this year though, for my 'sweet sixteen'." Frank quoted in the air. "But I don't know. A big party doesn't really appeal to me."

"How come?"

"I don't have a lot of friends, Gee. You and Jamia are my closest friends and my only friends." Frank looked up to Gerard's eyes with a smile on his face, it was evident that he didn't mind not having a lot of friends. "It'd be pretty impossible to have a big party with just two people."

"Bullshit! You can have the biggest party ever, no matter how many people are there, Frankie!" Gerard teased.

 "That sounds extremely lame."

"That's only because you're extremely lame."

"I'm not lame! Just- how would a big party with only two people work?" Frank questioned.

"It's easy Frankie; you just need some decorations, food, and music!"

Frank gave Gerard a skeptical look but smiled.

"Fine. Maybe I'll throw this "big" party that you're clearly very adamant on."

"It'll be so fun Frankie, I promise, because I'll be there too." Gerard said and Frank yawned, "You tired?"

Frank nodded, "A little, what time is it?"

Gerard checked his phone, "Almost 2 am."

"Holy shit, I didn't realize it was so late. I should probably get to sleep. Uh you can stay up and do whatever if you want. I don't know where you're gonna sleep though, the couch isn't very comfy..."

Frank was secretly hoping that Gerard would want to sleep in his bed with him.

"Well uh, if you're okay with it, your bed could probably fit us both." The ravenette said shyly and Frank smiled.

"Yeah, that's fine."

The youngest boy picked up the living room a little bit and then the two went back to his bedroom.

Frank looked at Gerard's clothes and remembered he had some of his dad's old clothes for him to sleep in.

Once Frank handed him the clothes Gerard immediately stripped his shirt off, surprising Frank, making him blush but he couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from the sight. The taller boy noticed this and smirked.

"See something you like?" Gerard teased.

Frank looked away and mumbled a small "maybe".

Gerard finished changing and made Frank look up at him. He leaned down to leave a small kiss on his lips.

"Hope you don't mind, but I don't really like sleeping with shirts on." Gerard whispered.

"I don't mind at all." Frank whispered back.

The two boys laid down next to each other and pulled the blankets they shared up. Sweet Pea jumped up onto Frank's bed and settled at the foot of the teenager's bed.

Frank turned on his side, facing away from the older boy and shut his eyes. He felt Gerard's arm wrap around his waist and slightly pull him closer. Frank sighed in content, feeling safe and happy as the two drifted off into sleep.


wooo an update after almost a  whole year!!! lmao sorry it's been so long, i didn't mean to abandon this book for so long. but hopefully i'll be back to writing more and more now!! exciting things should be coming within the next couple chapters!! i have chapter 11 slightly planned out already. 

thinking about this book is kind of crazy to me though; i started writing it when i was a freshman and now i'm a junior/senior now lmao (saying junior/senior bc i'm graduating early!!! wooo). i've probably already said it in a note before but this book means so much to me. i'm 100% projecting onto frank in this whole thing, and idk i just love this book so much. i'm very proud of how it's turned out. and i definitely feel like my writing has improved with this book over the years. anyways, i hope u all have a great day/night :] take care of yourselves <3


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