Jeongchan(Stray Kids)

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Jeongin uses his fingernail to trace a heart on the frosted glass

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Jeongin uses his fingernail to trace a heart on the frosted glass. Within the heart he carves the initials 'J and C' inside of the heart. Using his warm breath against the window, he watches as the heart fogs over, then disappears.

"Come away from the window Jeongin." BangChan reminded. Jeongin scooted himself away from the window "And you are not wearing your sweater." BangChan noted "When did you take it off?" "When you turned up the heater. Is this hot cocoa?" Jeongin accepted the mug presented to him "Thanks." He said. Bringing the mug to his mouth, he took a sip. "Is it a nice taste?" "Beautifully done BangChan." He cooed. "So good that you were being greedy to give you a mustache made of hot cocoa." BangChan teases. The younger uses the back of his hand to remove his mustache "Better?" "Much. Although kissing you again might guarantee to remove the remaining hot cocoa." Jeongin grabs a hold of BangChans hips "You mean like this?" Jeongin presses his lips against the elder. BangChan moves his hands to cup Jeongin's cheeks. His thumbs rub circles on his cheeks. Once Jeongin breaks first, he removes BangChan's hand from his face to kiss his hands "Now you are being greedy. Come on, let's be lazy on the couch today." Jeongin tugs on BangChan's hands from behind him, walking him to the leather couch they bought as their first big 'couple purchase.'

BangChan sits down first. Jeongin sits next to him "Can I lay on your chest?" He jutted out his bottom lip to a pout.
And how could he deny that?
BangChan pats his chest, and nodded.

The pregnant man laid himself on top of BangChan's body, maneuvering to make himself comfortable"This will not do. We need to try something else. Maybe your lap? I can lay in your lap."

He tried laying down on BangChan's lap "Do you need a pillow for your bump? I know it has been putting stress on your back and your hips. There is this pillow right here for you." BangChan offered. The pillow needer rolled to face BangChan, as he readjusted then pillow for Optimum comfort "How does that feel now?" Jeongin rolled back over to face the tv "Better. Thanks to you. Now, what are we going to watch today." "Well, we have been watching The Flash. We are halfway in the third season. Or do you want to start something new?" "We are getting good in the season now, there is no way we are starting something new. Click play! Hurry press play." Jeongin urges. BangChan presses the play button, and watches as Barry explains the introduction as he does with the beginning.

After, the fourth time Barry introduces himself, BangChan yawned "Are you awake?" He whispers. "Yes, but just barely. What did I miss?" Jeongin sits up. "Nothing too important. How about we restart this at a different time. Sometime when we are both focused on the tv."
"I need to pee." Jeongin announced suddenly. "Choose a different title while I am peeing in there. I will watch anything you choose tonight." Jeongin encourages.
"I will. Go pee, go on."

BangChan watched as Jeongin guided himself to the bathroom. Switching  Netflix to sleep mode, BangChan then swiped alive a match, leaning the candle to the left. He lights the candle sticks on fire, watching as the wax illuminates. The smell of Cinnamon wafting through the air, making the home smell like a homemade apple pie. Adding to the feeling of being homey, he clicked Ed Sheeran to be playing in the background "Almost perfect." BangChan entered the kitchen. On his way out, he had a bowl of red grapes Jeongin has been craving. He placed the bowl next to the couch, right in sight.

"What is this BangChan?" Jeongin questions, peering inside the room. "This is for you." BangChan answered. "I read in a book that dancing to music is a great form of exercise. And it's a way to bond with your significant other. Today that's me." BangChan extended his hand. Jeongin moves in closer "Do you smell pie?" He asks. "It is the candle." BangChan pointed at the candle scent. "This smells very homey." Jeongin dreamed.

BangChan dances with Jeongin, bringing him in closer against his body until he feels the bump pressing against his stomach "I was wondering how far in distance we will be forced to stay." Jeongin mentioned. "This is not too far for me. I can still wrap my arms around you." The song changed to something more of a ballad than prior. Jeongin leads now, dancing them through their apartment living room. BangChan twirls Jeongin "He's kicking." Jeongin expresses. Bringing Jeongin back to him, BangChan rests his hand near his bellybutton "How incredible. Why do you think he started to kick?"
"It was because I was relaxed, and at an ease. He will kick me awake, or leaves me restless the following morning."
"That does make sense. Want to know my theory?"
Jeongin nodded once.
"I think he liked the smell of my Cinnamon candle being burnt. That is why he is active." "Oh, of course that's why he is kicking. Ha, did you feel that one? He will be a stunt double with all the rolling around he does in here." "Hey little us." BangChan mock scowled "I can feel you from out here. I see you stretching. Or when you have hiccups. Or as you are kicking, like now." He taps against the foot that could be seen.
"Not too long now. In our arms, and listening to us singing to you will make such fulfillment in our lives. Having you makes us both dads, the other things we both want. And we get you. And you get us. You make us fathers, and we give you our love. Endless amounts of love."

On week 38, exactly, Jeongin have birth to their son, who decided to call him Jii. Yang Jii. The room used for delivery were being bombarded with photos and soft arguments of who gets to hold Jii first."

So hey! :)
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