Nyongtory*BigBang*•Unexpected Task•

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"You telling me not to worry is only making me worry worse than I am already worrying GD

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"You telling me not to worry is only making me worry worse than I am already worrying GD." Stressed Seungri. GD pats Seungri's arm "I am sorry for worrying you so much. I have felt this exact pain before, all I can think of was loosing another child." GD lays his head on Seungri's arm "We will be parents with this baby. I know we will be. There has been no complications, unlike the others. You began noticing complications at week 10. You are at week 13 now. For now, let us retire to our bedroom, while we can sleep." "We will accept the offer to sleep. I am feeling suddenly tired." GD yawned. "Very well. Do you want me to carry you?" "I have two legs. Although.." GD smiles at Seungri.
"I seem to be babying my two babies as of recently." GD puts his arm around Seungri's neck "That is very true. Do not act like you don't revel in showing off your masculinity." Seungri smiles, but does not answer.

Seungri scoots behind GD. He kisses GD's neck "Goodnight Jiyong." He whispers. Slipping his hand under the shirt GD is wearing, his fingers tap against the growing bump "Happy dreams to you little one." Seungri whispers.
"You softy."
"Be quiet. My baby needs sleep. And you need sleep."

GD woke as he experienced his bump have a spasm "Whoa, hello in there." He runs his hand over his bellybutton "Wait, whoa. No. No. Please say this is not blood." GD sits up in the bed, to see blood between his legs "No. no, please." He panicked.
"Seungri! Seungri, wake up. I am bleeding! Seungri!" DG shouts. Seungri sits up in the bed "Why are you shouting?" "I am only 13 weeks Seungri. Please I want to have this baby. Please help me." "Oh my god. Come, up you come. Let's get you to the hospital. Nothing is going to happen to you or to our baby." Seungri asserts.

Seungri keeps his hands together, as though he is praying with eyes closed tightly "I need tonight to end well. Please, I ask, is safety for my family. Please keep my small little family safe. They are all I have."

Seungri looks up "Hyungs."
"How is GD? And the baby?"
Seungri shrugged "They have not said anything to me. I.. I need them to be okay Hyungs." Seungri sniffled. Taeyang pulls the younger into a hug "The Doctor will come out with good news Seungri, I can feel it." "But what if they don't? GD will be devastated if he looses another baby. His depression was terrible with our last lost."
"Both of them will be strong. For you." T.O.P. encourages "You are overthinking without knowing any facts." Seungri runs his hand through his hair "You are being truthful." "For now, let's sit back down and wait until there is something to report to us. We are not leaving you Seungri."

"Family of Kwon Jiyong?"
"That is us here." Seungri stands, followed by the others. "What can you tell us?"
"Your husband is doing fine. Spotting is normal during the early weeks of expecting. Even at 13 weeks as he is."
"And the baby?" Daesung questioned.
"Both are doing fine. Would you like to see them right now Seungri?"
"Go. We will wait to see the two of them. Go see your husband."
Seungri smiles at his Hyungs "I will buy you all a meal for your loyalty to myself and GD."
"Will you go already Seungri!"
"Okay, Sorry. I'm going."

"Did the doctor tell you were are okay?" GD questioned.
Seungri nodded "He did. He explained you were spotting, which apparently is normal. I don't think I have ever been that scared in my entire life." Seungri confesses.
"I am sorry for worrying you."
"No. You stop apologizing. This was a genuine concern, but no longer something for us to worry over." "Are the boys here?"
"Yeah. Hyungs are here." Seungri nodded "They will come up some time later. So, yes, you are feeling fine? No worries?"
"I am feeling fine. It would be better if you snuggled with me." "Is there room on the bed?"
"If we can fit on my twin bed when we visit home, I think we can fit on this bed." GD validates. "Let's try." Seungri makes himself comfortable on the bed. His hand reaches down to find GD's bump where he holds the bottom of his bump "You are going to be just fine." He claims.

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