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Jeno           Jaemin
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"Do we need to know the gender Jaemin?" Jeno inquired "I

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"Do we need to know the gender Jaemin?" Jeno inquired "I..I wanted to know. Do you not?" Jaemin questioned. Jeno shrugged "It does not bother me to not know." Jaemin dropped his shoulders "It can be a surprise I suppose."

Damn you Jaemin.

"Or we can know. If it is important to you, then it is important to me. I'm sorry for not considering your feelings Jaemin."
"You really want to know?"
"Yes I really do want to know. Is it at the next appointment?"
"It is. This Thursday."
Jeno nodded: what he does for his husband.

"I have a confession." Jaemin announced. Jeno nodded for him to continue "I do not want to know the gender." "Why the sudden change?"
"What if I find out the baby is a girl, and I suddenly start to buy girly, rainbow princess things? I do not like any of those things! And if we are having a boy, I could become obsessed with the idea of our son being masculine. Jeno. I want our baby to find their own identity."
"I do not think putting our daughter in something rainbow will make her gay, or if we put our son in a pink onesie will he grow up to think that pink is only for girls. They do not know their colors yet! They will only know you, and me, and their milk. This issue is nothing to fret over. If you do not want to know, I will be supportive."
"Would you be upset if I changed my mind again?"
"No. I figured you still wanted to know."

"Jeno? Pst. Jeno, are you awake?"
Jeno turns on the light next to the bed "I am now. What is wrong Jaemin?"
"You turned on the light aggressively. Are you mad at me Jeno?"

Jeno sees his husband with wide eyes "No, I'm sorry, I thought something was wrong. Are you okay?"
"I have been thinking. Jeno, I want the gender to be a surprise."
"If that is what you want Jaemin. I am still being supportive of your choice."
"I also invited Renjun to come with us for tomorrow appointment."
"What for?"
"He will only the gender. He swore that he would not tell me. Under no circumstances."
"All it will take is for you to cry and he will crack. If you make it the remainder of your pregnancy without him telling you, I will be actually surprised."
Jaemin crossed his arms "He will keep the secret well from me."
"Does that mean I can know?" Jeno questioned.
Jaemin laughs "Ha, no. Goodnight. See you in three hours!" He rolled over to face the wall, away from Jeno.

"That room is private." Renjun whispers "I can wait outside."
"It is not that private Renjun." Jaemin reassured. "You want to see my reaction to determine what you think the gender is." Renjun accused. "That is absolutely correct." Jeno interfered. Jaemin pouted.

"Alright. Before we begin this examination, I will be able to tell the gender. Do you want to know?"
"However the protocol is, only he is to know."
Renjun waved "I was not part of making the baby. Here for my friends."

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