Song Mingi||Ateez||

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"Why would Mingi perform at Coachella? He is being careless about his son."
"He was careless when he decided to be intimate without having a protection. It is a real shame. Ateez was one of my Ults."

Mingi expected fans, or everyone, to be vocal about his choice to perform at Coachella. He wanted to believe that people would not be so vocal about it while out doing their errands. Of course he could not be upset with them, it was just a conversation that he happen to overhear.

"Remove card."
Mingi shook his head "Huh? Oh right, thanks." He removed his card, and accepted the bag "See you tomorrow night."
Mingi tightly smiled but nodded "Bye."

He walked next to the river. It felt chilly, but not yet cold where his breath could be seen. He stopped by a bench to zip up his jacket. The problem started once he attempted to zip the jacket past his bellybutton, where he was the roundest. It's not like he can suck in, his belly had his son, not extra fat.

"Maybe if I talk to you I will forget about the coldness." Mingi says.
Slipping his hands into his pockets Mingi continues down the street.

"Your father's name is Seo Jae-in." Mingi started "He was a photographer for Ateez, hired to strictly work with us for our upcoming performance at Coachella. He was..shy. It felt like he would not stop looking at me. And I liked the attention. He kept special interest in me, Seonghwa Hyung told me to be careful. I acted as if I knew what I was doing. We were doing individual photos for promotions. Jae-in praised me with compliments. That I was the most photogenic, the member with the best smile." Mingi stops walking. Turning to look at the river, he rests his elbows on the railing using his hands to cup his face "I do not want to label myself as gay, or bi, or straight, I wanted to find my person. He was not him." Mingi closed his eyes, wishing away the experience he shared with him.
"Once he saw my rounding belly, he pulled me into an empty hallway. Demanding that he was the father. How can I lie? Yes he is. That was 4 months ago. He retired from all of kpop. He explained that we will get his child support money. So that will be helpful. I guess." Mingi lowered one of his hands to rest on his bump "I will tell you more about your father when you can understand. Okay? For now, it is dark. Your uncles are probably worried about us."

"Hello? I am home. Anyone here?" Mingi locked the door, then slipped out of his shoes "Anyone home?"

Mingi walked further into the house, stopping when he sees his members "Why did nobody answer?" He questioned. He unzipped his jacket, setting it on the back of his chair "Was this a group meeting? HongJoong..about me?" Mingi sits down. He is faced across the table from the leader.
Seonghwa puts his hand on top of Mingi's "Yes, we did have a meeting without you." He confessed "We knew that you would not like the topic of our conversation-"
"Tell me right now." Mingi demanded, looking around the table at all of his members "I am listening."
Hongjoong cleared his throat "It is about Coachella."

Of course it is.

"We do not feel comfortable with subjecting you to the event. You will be entering your seventh month. Seeing as your are almost five months, we have noticed, and observed the changes and challenges your pregnancy has given you."
"So it has just been decided? For me. Did you all think I would be..what, grateful? I have worked just as hard as everyone here, you, you, and them, to be in a position of Ateez! I can understand having a meeting without me knowing, what I cannot understand is how willing you all are to toss me aside. Do I mean that little to all of you? Does my son and I not have the support that you all promised? This resolution is not fair."

Mingi crossed his arms above his bump as he looked to the right.

"I am sorry." Hongjoong whispers "Our decision is final."
"Mingi, you deserve to relax. You can catch up on sleep. Something that is important to the baby." San tried.
Mingi stands from the table. He looks from San, who sat at the far left, to his right who was Seonghwa "Fans will not see me for 18 months. Maybe longer. Hongjoong Hyung, you have removed the happiness from my life. I will never forgive you. Not one of you." He looks from left to right once more.

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