"Sure," Rhodey said, lifting himself out of this chair. He took a second to steady himself before walking towards the door.

Tony watched as Happy opened the door, allowing Rhodey to walk out first. "Oh, Happy," he called.

"Yeah?" the other man replied.

"Take some food down to Sunshine in the basement. You know, since you'll be watching her so much," Tony said, his last few words having a jokingly truthful ring to them. Happy silently groaned as he walked out the door, muttering slight curses in Tony's name. "Please and thank you!" Tony exclaimed.

"Shut it!" Happy yelled as he walked down the hall, the door slowly sliding behind him.

The door closed and Pepper once again looked at Tony, gainings complete attention. "Well?" she asked.

Tony got up from his chair and walked over to the other side where she sat and pulled out the chair next to her, turning it till it faced her direction. Pepper did the same, resting her arm on the table and the other on her lap as Tony forwards in his chair on the edge of his seat.

"Look, I know stuff has been stressful-"

"It's been more than stressful,"

"Understood. But I can't help but feel as if it's something that I need to do,"

Pepper scoffed, shaking her head and folding her arms across her chest. "I know, Tony. And I don't want to stop you, because it's a great thing," she told him. "But I don't know if it's possible," she said.

"You know better than anyone that those kind words only make me want to do it even more. I've only felt like this a few times in my life, and all of them have to lead to great things. Starting my company, becoming Iron Man, asking you on a date, and now. Call it a gut feeling. She was going to be taken in by the government, Pepper. I couldn't just do nothing," he said, his voice soft but firm as he told her. His words were genuine as he talked, making sure to maintain eye contact with Pepper, to try and convey the weight and meaning behind them.

Pepper stared at him, her eyebrows curving upwards. Her heart beat just a little bit heavier at his words, and a small smile made its way to her face. Tony watched as she scooched over to the end of her seat, his body taken over by the slight nervousness that appeared within him. But as Pepper wrapped her arms around him, she calmed down, moving to return the action. He exhaled a long breath, relaxing into the hug.

"I didn't know what you were going to do, but this is nice," he said.

"I just don't want things to go downhill because of this. I want to have a life with you," she said.

"Me too. I wouldn't risk that for the world. But I know I can help someone here," he said.

Pepper smiled and let out a short and breathy chuckle. "I know. And that's part of why I love you," she said.

And there they sat in each other's arms, the warm sunlight filtering through the window as the stress seemed to slowly start to fade away.


Tonight was her last chance before she'd be put on HYDRA's kill list, and (y/n) still had no way to get out of her damn chair. She already ruled out brute strength and tried summoning different armors and weapons. Some armors would be too bulky and didn't let her move, or they only made her situation worse by causing the people behind the mirror to rush in with tasers. They all resulted in failure, and she even lost a gun due to dropping it when she tried to shoot her meal giver. A man named Happy, or something. As a result, she had her first taken away before it was brought back a few hours later. And to further the punishment, she had to be fed like a one-year-old by having him feed it to her. It was no more humiliating, miserable, and awkward for her, than it was for him.

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