"Time for phase two." He said and then hung up.

"Silas, please." I begged.

"Shh, beautiful." He murmured, reaching up to brush my hair behind my ear.

The contact made me shiver and I pushed his hand away. Glaring, he raised his hand and backhanded me. I gasped, clutching the dress to me, fearful that he would rip it away next. Instead, he turned and left the closet abruptly, leaving me in shock.

He was hurting Louis once again and I couldn't do anything about it. I had to stop this, but I didn't know how. I quickly put my night dress on and covered myself with a robe. One thing was for certain, I had to see Louis. Tomorrow was his last day alive and the next day was execution day. There was no way in hell I was never going to see him again. It was extremely risky, but I needed to see him. I needed to talk to him and hear his angelic voice and feel him.

I waited until very late, around 2AM when I hoped Silas and his minions were asleep. I braided my hair down my back and changed into dark pants and a sweatshirt with a hood. Leaving my room, I found only one guard standing by my door. As I walked past him, I stopped.

"If you ever even think about telling anyone you saw me leave my room tonight, I will destroy you." I threatened, surprised at my harsh words, but I meant every one.

With raised eyebrows, he nodded. "Yes, your highness. I never saw you leave."

"That's right." I nodded in approval and made my way quietly through the palace.

I avoided contact with anyone, even if it was a servant. The servants would gossip about anything and my shenanigans would surely reach the ears of Silas if any one of them saw me. Finding Felix's room in the royal guard's wing, I softly knocked on the door. He opened it, dressed in a simple t-shirt and sweats.

When he saw me, his eyes went wide. "Are you okay, princess? Is something wrong?"

"I need your help sneaking into the dungeon without anyone knowing my identity." I whispered.

"Your highness..." He looked confused.

"Don't ask questions. It's a matter of life or death. So please, just help me do this successfully or someone could get hurt." I said.

He immediately nodded and jumped to help me without any questions. I knew I could count on him. He brought me further down the corridor to a room filled with the guard's equipment. He dressed me in a full guard's uniform, complete with a helmet to hide my face. Even though I was the smallest guard ever, no one would know it was me.

"Come along." He said as he led me through a back way to get to the dungeon.

We passed a couple of servants who hardly gave us a glance. When we arrived at the strong locked doors of the dungeon, Felix went up to one of the guards and handed him a piece of paper.

"We have orders from the prince to check on the prisoner." He said.

"At two in the morning?" The guard sighed.

"He said it was urgent." Felix said casually.

I stayed silent and they ignored me. The first guard unlocked the door and let us through before closing it behind us. Felix stood by the door, nodding for me to go ahead by myself. I squeezed his hand in thanks. Removing the uncomfortable helmet, I walked toward Louis' cell. As I was passing one of the supposedly empty cells, I was startled when a hand reached through the bars and tried to grab me.

Dodging out of the way just in time, I gasped as my back hit the opposite wall. My heart began pounding madly in my chest at the sight of Mason on the other side of the solid bars. He leaned casually against them, giving me a cold grin that didn't have a trace of humor. Gulping, I didn't say anything to him as I hurried further down to Louis.

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