Chapter 1 - Framed

Start from the beginning

"I know you didn't kill her." James said.

"Wait, what?" Chris asked.

"There's no way in hell you could ever kill her, I've seen how much you loved her, you'd do anything for her. It doesn't make sense for you to just up and kill her out of nowhere like that."

"Wait so, you believe me?" Chris asked.

"Of course I do, you loved her way too much to even think about accidentally hurting her." James said.

"You're right, I could never hurt her, yet no one else seems to believe me." Chris said.

"I do believe you, but this whole thing does look a little suspicious. If I didn't know you any better, I'd assume you did kill her." James said.

Chris groaned. "You think I need to hear that right now? Her parents, her brother, they came here just like you did. They threatened me, they threatened to kill me. How could they even think I'd do it? I guess they just didn't know me any better."

"Sorry, but look, I'm gonna try my damned hardest to prove your innocence. I will do literally anything I can if it means you can get out of here a free man." James said.

"I don't think I have much time for that James."

"Don't fucking think like that, you didn't do it Chris, don't question for even a moment that you did."

"I know I didn't, I came home from the store and opened my door to see-" Chris said before covering his mouth, thinking he was going to puke at the thought of it again.

"Wait, you were at the store? Which store were you at!?" James asked.

"Just the nearby Walmart, why?"

"Cameras, they have security cameras! That's proof enough that you didn't do it! If they see that you were at the store at the time of her murder, you'll be released! I'm a fuckin' genius!!" James shouted. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go find those tapes. I will get you out of here Chris, I promise." James said before running off down the hall.

"No, wait! James!" Chris shouted as he ran into the door, slamming against it to get his friend's attention to no avail. "Don't leave me..." Chris cried as he slid to the floor, covering his crying face with his hands once more, trying to keep every single tear from falling.

His girlfriend always hated his crying, not that she found it annoying, but because she never wanted to see him sad. She'd always tell him to do something that would distract him from crying, and he's always just thought of her. She hated to see or hear him crying, but she was dead now. It's not like she'd see or hear his cries anymore, but even if she was dead, Chris would continue this tradition of not crying. She would live on in his heart if he did.

About 20 minutes passed by before a knock came to his door. Chris stood up in excitement, thinking James had returned quickly with the security tapes from the store, but alas, it was the prison's warden, ready to take him to his execution. "Let's go Duval." The warden said.

Chris ran to the other side of the room, a last desperate attempt of escape, yet he was quickly tackled to the ground by police officers that picked him up and threw him in handcuffs. "Let me go! James is coming back with proof that I didn't do it! I swear!"

"Well, he's too late I'm afraid. It's passed your execution time anyways, you were due for execution half an hour ago, we've got no time to waste. Let's hurry up and kill you so we can get a move on with the others." The warden said.

They pulled Chris out of his cell and walked him down the hall, just in time for James to return empty handed. Chris turned his head and saw his friend shake his head in sadness. "They've been wiped." James shed a tear before running away.

Chris began to shake in fear, his death was inevitable by this point. He hoped it was lethal injection, that way his death would at least be somewhat painless. Although, he never knew if it actually was painless or not. He just hoped for the best, best being a painless death.

Not to say Chris' life hasn't already been changed forever, but once a hole in the wall was just blown open next to them, Chris' life was changed forever. "What the fuck is that!?" The warden shouted.

An armored truck blew through the wall as if it was nothing. From it, a man in a black mask, hood, and cloak that went down to his waist with a buck knife in hand lunged towards the warden and stabbed him in the neck, blood pouring out onto his knife.

Chris watched in fear before trying to run. However, he was cut off by another masked man, this man took a bag and threw it over his head before tying it shut around his neck tight enough to block his eyesight but loose enough to let him breath. "Help me!!! Anyone!" Chris shouted in fear as he was picked up by the same masked man that bagged him and was thrown in the back seat of the truck.

The other two cops that had cuffed Chris had been stabbed by the man with the cloak and buck knife already. One cop was on the ground, bleeding out before the man picked him up by his head and took a selfie with him. "Sleepless, let's go! There's no time for that!" The other guy said.

"Awww, fine." The man with the buck knife, presumably named Sleepless, said before stabbing the officers and the warden once more just to be sure that they were dead. Sleepless quickly got in the passenger seat of the truck before the other guy hopped in the driver's seat and they backed out of the hole they just blew in the wall of the prison.

"Luckily we got here when we did, if we had arrived just a little bit later, they would've gotten you in the transport vehicle and would be bringing you to the execution location. You should be thanking us Chris." The driver said.

"W-who the hell are you guys?" Chris asked, bag still over his head.

"Shhh, just wait. I'll tell you once we're at a safe distance."

"Where are you taking me?" Chris demanded an answer.

"Someplace where you'll be given a second chance." The driver said.


Some time passed, and the armored truck came to a stop. Sleepless sighed before getting out of the truck and opening the back door and helping Chris out. The driver came to help and pulled the bag of Chris' head. Chris saw two men before him, well, one was a man. The other looked more his age. "W-who are you guys?"

"Oh, my apologies. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Oswald, and this here is Danny Morris." The driver, Oswald, said.

"Oswald? Danny?" Chris asked. "Why am I here?"

"To give you a second chance. You're not the only one here, other convicted murderers have been brought here for a second chance at life." Oswald said.

"Wait, convicted murderers? But, I didn't kill anyone." Chris said.

"Your girlfriend begs to disagree." Oswald smirked. Chris tried to punch him, but Danny grabbed him by his arm to stop him. Oswald didn't even flinch. "Ever since that law was put in place 5 years ago that says all crime is punishable by death, our country has been divided. I'm working to help get rid of that law, but by doing so, I needed to open this place."

"Well, what 'place' is this?"

"This is the Rehab for Murderers!"

Chris' life has only just begun to get crazy now.

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