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"Hey max welcome back," Holt said. He handed Bradley's backpack to him and left the bathroom to keep guard so no one would walk.

"If we're doing this, we're going all the way," Bradley said. "I want you to move in with me to the lake house and quit your job so daddy can take care of you. I want you to start talking like a baby more and let me baby you wherever we are. I promise I wont embrass you but I want you to start being my cute little princess all the time now on. Okay?"

"Otay, daddy," Max blushed.

Bradley pulled out a changing pad for Max and laid him down. He took off his tights and skirt and taped on a fresh diaper. it was bigger than the pullups but was still hidden by the skirt. No one would know except Max, daddy, and there friends. Bradley made sure his princess looked all pretty before they exited the bathroom and bought lunch.

I know this was a short chapter bt I need more idea because I want to keep writing this book but dont know wyat to write. What do you want to see? let me know so I have new ideas.

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