The group arrived at the village, they all looked at the big gates of Konohagakure with smiles on their faces. Kakashi turned to his students and just looked at them for a minute before talking.

" I'm going to report in to the Hokage then, see you later and make sure to rest" Kakashi said to the four but his eyes lingered on Akira who also was looking up at the jonin, Kakashi raised his eyebrows and Akira sighed nodding.

"Come on Imoto-chan, ramen is waiting for us!!" Naruto  shouted pulling Akira along with him.

"Ey don't, you know I'm still not fully healed" Akira said to the excited blonde.

"Oh come on!" Naruto shouted still dragging his sister to Ichiraku's.

After having a dozen bowls of ramen the two made their way to buy for some food cause when they left they were out the essentials they needed to cook.

"Ahhh" Naruto said placing everything on their table "It's good to be back home" He grinned.

"Mhm" Akira agreed placing each item where it needed to be, while Naruto looked at the, first time, tidy apartment.

He groaned, he didn't have nothing to do. Training was always there but he was too tired to do anything extreme, so he decided to help the girl in putting away the grocery they had got.

"I'm tired" he whined putting away the last cup ramen, Akira laughed.

"You can go to sleep" She suggested with a grin.

"But then I will be up all night, what will I do then, huh?" He pouted.

"Well I'm going Shikamaru, you can come with if you want" She said, Naruto jumped of the floor and followed the young konoichi to look for Shikamaru.

"Naruto, Akira!!" The two both turned upon hearing their names being called, they turned to see Shikamaru and Choji " How was your mission?" He asked munching on his chips.

"Well I was knocked out for half of it" Akira said shrugging her shoulders and looked at Naruto.

"Well we had to be bodyguards to this drunken old geezer to the Land of Waves and our way there two ninjas and I was was poisoned by the Demon Brothers with their poisoned gauntlets " Naruto reanimated the whole mission to the other two, Shikamaru just listened and got to the point of wanting to make Naruto shut up about the never ending story but he dimmed it 'troublesome ' and just let him be, besides both Naruto and Akira looked happy telling them about how Akira almost died,twice.

The next day looked at Sasuke and Naruto in annoyance, she was tired of the two wanting to prove who is stronger and she grew more annoyed when, Sakura, at any chance she got alwaysasked Sasuke out. She was tired of the love triangle between the three.

She looked up at Kakashi expecting him to control the situation between the three but no, he was reading his book. Akira squinted her eyes and looked at the author of that dirty book.

"Would the three of you stop it, your giving me a headache" Akira said rubbing her temples, glaring at her teammates.

"Gomen, Imoto-chan " Naruto said stepping away from the little girl.

Kakashi looked up at the sudden outburst from the child and his eyes widened, noticing the similarities between Akira and Izumi. He shook his head remembering his friend.

17 Years Ago

"Shouldn't you two be training right now" Izumi asked the bickering, both Kakashi and Obito turned to looked at the older girl.

"Kakashi started it!" Obito said glaring at his masked teammate.

"Mhm" Kakashi shrugged his shoulders.

"You know I'm tired of you two always fighting, I already have that at home with burazāzu" She sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Izumi-chsn, don't pay attention to these two. You know how they are" Rin calmed the Sarutobi down before she lashed on the two guys.

"I just wonder how Minato-sensei deals with you two everyday" She shoved her hands in her jonin jacket.

"Hey Izumi-chan can we go eat I'm hungry?"Obito whined grabbing his stomach.

"Okay, you gaki's, let's go eat my treat" She waited for the two to join.

"You know Kakashi you should act more as a jonin" Izumi said walking behind Rin and Obito.

"Yeah" He muttered "I'm kidding, just make sure you enjoy your childhood. Don't make the mistake I did" She said with a sigh looking up at the clear blue sky 'splash!!' Kakashi turned to look at a dripping Izumi with a scowl.

She looked at straight at the culprits and saw Asuma, Obito and Shikaku with fear in their eyes, Izumi ran a hand through her wet hair. She took the headband from her wrist and tied her hair into a ponytail.

"Ahh, I-izumi-sensei " Obito stuttered.

"Onee-c-chan, p-please, please forgive us" Asuma said already beginning to run away when he only saw fire in his sisters eyes, he cursed the will of Fire and took off running "What are you still waiting for ruuuuuun!!" He yelled to the others, who also begun running as fast as their feet could.

17 Years later

"Eh Kakashi-sensei are you listening?" Akira asked, Kakashi blinked rapidly.

Akira looked at her sensei with curious eyes, she wondered what went on in his head but she was distracted when she saw a box disguised as a box chasing Naruto. Her eyebrow rose in confusion. She covered her eyes when it suddenly shined bright and an explosion like happened.

"I...I think...we used to much....gunpowder" She heard someone say and her confusion grew, she looked at Naruto waiting what will happen.

Suddenly she sensed a chakra that she did not recognise, she turned to look at Kakashi but he was no where to be seen. She turned back to the new strong chakra that she felt. It made her both excited and nervous. She looked at the others around her and noticed no one else have sensed them.

"Where are you going" Sakura asked when she saw Akira taking her things.

"I'm going on a walk" She simply said and left. She tried ignoring the chakra that engulfed her but she couldn't, it was compelling her to follow.

"What is going on" She said to herself jumping to a building over looking the village.

"He's here" she heard in her mind, startled by the sudden voice in her head she almost lost her balance "You can't run from him" it said again, she gripped het head.

"Am I going crazy now?" In a distance she heard a commotion and that picked her intrest because that particular chakra was also there.

Okay hereit is, for me things are starting to get interesting. To tell you the truth i didn't plan this story, ideas just come to me and I just put them there and that is why there will be a time where I won't be updated.

So be ready to wait guys. I'll try to push on writing as I still got this week and next week off from school because of the lockdown. After that I'm going back to school and just try to finish my 12th grade, hopefully get a busury/scholarship and get in a good university to further my studies.

What do you guys think:

About the turning of events.

The little bit story of Izumi and the others relation.

And I know it is obvious that most of you will guess correctly but who do you think just arrived at the village.

And the voice inside on Akira's head...what's going on here.

Comment your answers and it will be just fun and nice for me if we could communicate😁😁Okay? Okay.

Again guys thank you for the hundred views, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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