"I said leave me alone!" I yelled as I climbed on top of it, wrapping my hands around it throat. "Get out of my head."

Its eyes bulged as it stared at me. I had never seen the Nogitsune look scared before. It was refreshing.

Patients around me began shouting and orderlies were running over to me, trying to pull me off of my tormentor. I tried to stop them from taking me away, keeping my hands tightly on its throat.
"No, I have to stop it! It won't stop!"

"Alright, that's enough Riley," Brunski said, grabbing out his trusty needle before injecting it in the side of my neck.

"I have. . . to get him. . . to stop," I said, falling in and out of consciousness.

"Sure you do," he said, before instructing two orderlies to take me away. I tried to keep fighting, attempting to shake loose of the orderlies.

The Nogistune touched its neck gingerly as it watched me get dragged away. Something about it looked different; he didn't seem as smug.
Maybe because I had just tried to kill him.

Brunski walked in front of me and the orderlies who held me. "Enough, Riley, or you're off to the closed unit for a few days."

I stopped fighting as the sedative hit the rest of me, making my limbs weaken. They dragged me into my room and put me on my bed. They then proceeded to tie me to the bed with their infamous five-point restraint system.

"We'll be back in a few hours, once you've calmed down. Then, and only then, we'll undo the restraints," Brunski informed me, before walking out the door and locking it behind him.


"You can't kill me, little sylph," the Nogitsune laughed. "But, you are strong."

The clanging from that day in the hospital had faded to a dull drum. I was also no longer tied to the bed, so I had to be dreaming; that was the only explanation.
"Just stop. Just make it stop."

"You know how to make it stop. Just give in to me," he reminded me, stepping closer.

With every step, the clanging sound grew louder, until it was all I could hear. I covered my ears, falling and cowering in a corner. Tears fell as I scrunched my eyes closed, "Make it stop. Please, just make it stop. I can't take it anymore," I sobbed.

He crouched down in front of me, pushing the hair away so he could see my face. "Have you had enough?"

His voice was the only thing I could hear over the clanging. I tried to kill him, I tried so hard, but I couldn't. After all, he was just in my head. You couldn't kill something that wasn't there.

"Everything you've been through, losing your mother, seeing your friends suffering; it's left a shadow over you. I can feel that darkness in your heart, little sylph. I know you crave chaos just as much as I do."

Some part of me told me he was right. Ever since the day we sacrificed Scott, Stiles and Allison, something had changed in me. But I had pushed it down, and that was where it stayed.

That was, until that night in the hospital.

I had to try and get away. Maybe, if I got away from him, the noise would stop.

I stood up and tried to walk away, but he stopped me.
"Don't you miss me, Riley?" The Nogitsune said, sounding more like Stiles than it ever had. "I need you."

I felt myself coming undone as he ran a hand down the side of my face. "Why?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"Because together," he whispered, leaning forward until his lips were less than an inch away from my own. "Our power combined, we would be unstoppable. No one would hurt you again. No one would hurt me. And we can cause chaos everywhere we go."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now