A bell rang. The cook jumped awake, rubbing his eyes and checking with bell had rung.

"It's the mid-common room," he yawned, heading toward the storage pantry. "Likely a royal wanting some tea or something or other. I'll get it ready."

Mia grimaced, but got to her aching feet. Setting down the bucket, she followed the cook as he prepared the tray. With a tea pot, a few cups in case of multiple people, sugar and honey, he set the lid over it and handed it to Mia.

"Know the way, Harper?"

All of the maids and cooks knew each other's names. They all seemed quite close, except for Mia. She was surprised the cook knew her name. Though she put on a smile, still wearing her facade.

If any of the maids, cooks, or royals had the slightest suspicion that the hardworking, quiet maid Harper was anything then just that - a maid - then she'd be amazed. She felt like asking Lord Javier for double the pay for doing such a good job hiding her true self.

"I think so. The room with the couches and lounging on the floor with the princes' rooms?"

"You got it."

Making sure to hold the tray level, she headed to the lift. The usual boy was gone, replaced with what looked like his brother. The brother took care of the night shift. He pulled the lever, taking the lift upwards. It no longer startled Mia as much.

As they moved upwards, Mia thought about the boys. The brothers likely got good pay, as they were so young. Maybe their mother was a maid of some sort. At least the royals paid the maids and cooks. They weren't servants.

The lift stopped as the boy switched the lever. He nodded at Mia, "Will you be returning this way?"

"Most likely."

"Okay. I'll stay."

"Thank you."

Mia set off down the dark hallway, heading toward the sounds of voices and light from a room. That was the room she was headed for. Over the three days, she had learned to keep her eyes straight ahead and didn't dare to look at anything she would be tempted to snatch.

She knocked on the open door, stepping into sight. Her back stiffened at the sight inside.

All four. All four of the Starling children sat inside, glancing at her expectantly. The oldest, the Crowned Prince, looked around twenty-five. The next looked at twenty-two-ish, the other sixteen, and the last thirteen. Mia realized with a start that the sixteen year old was the young man who had helped her find her way on the first day. 

All of them had ash blonde hair, nearly white. The second-to-youngest had it long, to his shoulders. The rest had it cut short. Each had ranging features, but all held the same sort of resemblance. It was uncanny.

She cleared her throat. "Rang for tea, Majesties?"

They looked at the second-to-youngest in confusion. The teen shrugged. "What? I was thirsty. What else do you have?"

Mia stepped forward, into the room, trying to keep herself in check. Her heart pounded, and she kept her hands from shaking with a great effort. 

If they knew my last name, I wouldn't be standing here right now.

"Honey and sugar for the tea." She bent down to the table, setting down the tray. There, she lifted the lid and began pouring one cup of tea.

"I'll have one," the eldest added. "Please."

Mia was shocked at his use of the word 'please', and that the fact that a royal knew that word, but poured another cup. Soon, each prince had a cup of tea.

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