Chapter 1: This is Paradise?

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(Harith’s P.O.V.)

Marrying Harley was the best thing ever, I can’t believe I have him on my arms in our honeymoon. He looks spectacular, I wish this moment will never end, but I know that we will have the best time of our lives. We will make a lot of memories, and best of all (smirks) we get to sleep in the same bed on the same house. This is a dream come true. (goes to sleep)
***6 months later***

Harith – (sees Harley on the computer not facing him and chuckles)
Harley – Uhm... so, this are the best around, huh? (keeps browsing on computer)
Harith – HARLEY!
Harley – (jumps on the chair and drops the wireless mouse) OMFG! Harith!!!! (angrily) what the hell is wrong with you?
Harith – (laughing) Oh, come on! It was funny!
Harley – (groans and picks up computer and mouse and goes to the room) Don’t you have somewhere to go?! (slams door)
Harith – (ears dropped) Oh, man… Living with Harley is so boring… (sits on the sofa) It’s becoming… a living hell. What happened? (looks down while frowning)

 What happened? (looks down while frowning)

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(Harley’s P.O.V.)
Ugh… I can’t stand Harith anymore… one thing was living with him and his parents but living alone with him in the same freaking bedroom, it is just a living nightmare. I don’t get a minute to myself and it has only been 6 months since we got married… (sighs) What happened? (teary eyes) We used to be so close… When did it all went down? I better go talk to him. (gets up and goes to Harith)
Harley – Hey, Harith… (scratches his back hair)
Harith – (looks at Harley) Yeah?
Harley – (sits beside him) I think… we should go to therapy…
Harith – (shock and with tail tense) WHAT!?
Harley – Wait, don’t scream… I don’t know what happened… and I don’t want to lose you… this can be good for us. (looks at him smiling)
Harith – (grabs Harley’s hand) I’m so sorry, if you think we should go then we should go. (forces a smile)
***At therapist's office***

Harith – (groans) This is taking forever… Harley – (crosses arms) Could you behave, please? (raises eyebrow) Harith – Whatever… Harley – Ugh… that is why we don’t get along

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Harith – (groans) This is taking forever…
Harley – (crosses arms) Could you behave, please? (raises eyebrow)
Harith – Whatever…
Harley – Ugh… that is why we don’t get along.
Ruby – Harith and Harley, the doctor will see you now. (shows way to the office and Harith and Harley follow)
Roger – Welcome, please sit down. I’m doctor Roger.
Harley – Thank you for having us. (sits on sofa)
Harith – (sighs) let’s get this over with. (sits beside Harley)
Harley – (looks at Harith very seriously) This is for us…
Roger – Good, good. I see we have a bit of conflict with communication. Why don’t you tell me what brings you here?
Harley – Well…
Harith – (interrupts) The thing is that Harley never does anything with me. He just keeps being inside his computer and his books and never wants to do anything romantic.
Harley – Harith!!! Stop it.
Roger – Excuse me, sir Harley? Let him talk, that is why we are here.
Harley – Uhm. (looks down) Sorry…
Harith – Like I was saying, he always does that too, he thinks he is the victim always! It is irritating, we have been through a lot and we just got married 6 months ago and he suddenly change when we moved to the house. He became more and more distance with me.
Roger – How does that makes you feel?
Harith – (widens eyes) Devastated.
Roger – Harley, what is your point of view in this situation?
Harley – I… I… I think I’m a bit frustrated because he is always there… I don’t have a minute to myself, that is why I’m looking for universities to just go study and do something outside the house. All I do is chores and cooking and clean and everything, he just goes to work with the Moniyan Empires and doesn’t even help me.
Harith – I don’t do anything because when I start helping you, you just say I do it wrong and to go away. What do you want? And wait… you are looking for universities? That again?
Harley – (points to Harith) Doctor, see what I mean? He doesn’t even care about what I want. He thinks I’m going to be in the house forever. I need to go outside, ha! And don’t even get me started with his jealousy!
Harith – What?! I’m not jealous, and if you are talking about that one time, Diggie was looking at you like he wanted you and you where just flirting with him.
Harley – (screaming) I was laughing!!!
Harith – (screaming) You don’t need to laugh with him!!!
Roger – (snaps fingers) Okay, please silence… I think I see the problem. Both of you got married too young, and if you are having troubles, maybe the best solution can be to rethink this marriage.
Harith – (gasps) Eh… No… I mean we did get married young, but we knew each other for more than 2 years. Besides…we love each other a lot, right Harley? (looks at Harley nervously laughing)
Harley – (widens eyes) …
Harith – Harley...? (looks at him sadly)
Harley – Oh… Harith, maybe he is right… maybe we did got married very young... I mean, we haven’t even study yet…
Harith – Well, I’m a Moniyan Warrior… I don’t need studies.
Harley – You don't but I do... I’m looking for universities because I want to study.
Harith – Then, you can go study, I don’t mind. I want you to be happy.
Harley – But, I also want an university to get away from you… just a little bit.
Harith – (gasps)
Harley – Maybe we should… consider this marriage… maybe we could even get… a… divorce?
Harith – (gets up rapidly almost crying) What is wrong with you?! You don’t love me anymore? (looks at Roger) And you doctor, you are an idiot, you don’t know anything about Harley and me. (leaves the office)

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