Shit, shit, shit, Callum cursed.

Carly can’t even walk without tripping over her own two feet!  Liam whined to himself, how the Hell is she going to play soccer?

Everyone was waiting on Elliot to make an appearance again, as he was the one who had to give the shots.  Bryan Fletcher sighed in boredom as he leaned against the goalie post.  He turned his eyes curiously towards the short male that was occupying the net and did a double take.  Was he...was he wearing lip balm?  Bryan could only watch in shock and slight horror as Carl applied the lip balm on his lips and then smacked his lips together, like Bryan had seen countless girls do when they wore lip gloss or lip stick.  Bryan didn’t stick around to question the strange act; he only got away from the oblivious boy as fast as he could. 

Carly looked around her cautiously as she placed her lip balm in her shorts pocket, smiling smugly when no one saw her girly act.  A sudden nervousness came over her when Elliot jogged back out onto the field.  The students seeing him cheered and clapped as he took up his position.

It’s fine, you’ve done this before plenty of times, you can do this, Carly reassured herself, remember what you were taught.  Carly crouched slightly and spread her legs, her arms ready in front of her.

Elliot looked up towards Carl as he placed the soccer ball on the ground.  His eyes widened slightly in shock when Carl’s determined eyes met his.  Funny, Elliot thought with a blink, he reminds me of someone...

Elliot shook his head and, with a nod towards Carl, took a couple steps back, before running forward and kicking the ball with the inside of his foot.

“Did she miss?”  Liam whispered, his eyes covered with his hands, “Oh God, she missed didn’t she?”

Jasper reached to his side and pulled Liam’s hands from his eyes, so that he could see that Carly had caught the soccer ball, almost effortlessly, in both her hands.  Callum was the first to react, his fists punching the air as he cried out along with the students on the stand.  Jasper could only remain in his still position, too shocked to move.  However, their mood died down when shouts from the stand could be heard.

“That was too easy!”  One shouted.

“It was a lucky catch; it’s only his first try!  Anyone can do that!”  Another shouted. 

That’s it; someone is definitely making the hit list, Jasper thought as his mood, alongside his male friends, fell. 

Carly frowned slightly at the crowd, rolling the ball on the grass back towards Elliot who gave a reassuring smile. 

No you fool!  Carly thought in a panic, as she looked away from his face quickly, don’t smile at me like that and then expect me to play properly.  Quick!  Think of something else, socks, bed, blankets – this isn’t working!  Err...come on!  Liam’s underwear!  Oh shit, gross!  Great, now I can’t get that out of my head.              

Jeers filled the crowd and spilled over onto the field, allowing Carly to hear their irritating voices.  She felt angry with the fact that they thought that she couldn’t do this.  Was it because I was a girl...Carly’s eyes widened slightly in realization, but I’m not a girl.  I’m not Carly, I’m Carl.  That means that I can do whatever I wanted without getting into any real trouble.  Carl didn’t exist, so it won’t matter if he gets something written on his report.  That means that I can join Callum, Liam and Jasper in their pranks and not have to worry about anything.  That means that I can – here Carly stared up at the stands with a wicked grin – show these assholes what I’m really made of.

Elliot looked down at the soccer ball, so that no one could see the smirk that crossed his lips.  He couldn’t help but feel respect for the small male, who was currently giving a daring grin towards the rowdy students.  It’s like he’s taunting them...

At the whistle both captain and goalie turned towards each other again.  This time Elliot aimed for the left, he had been some what surprised when Carl hadn’t moved from his position.  Elliot had purposefully aimed for the middle of the net as others would have normally moved to the right or the left, however, Carl stayed as still as bricks almost as if he had predicted that that was going to happen.

Carly’s eyes narrowed and with a cheeky smirk quickly moved to the right and intercepted the ball.  She rolled the ball back to Elliot not wanting to waste any time.  She could feel the adrenaline pushing through her and she couldn’t help but allow the out of control grin from taking over her features. 

Okay Prisms, I won’t hold back this time, Elliot thought stepping back.  He watched Carl shift on his feet a gleam in his eyes that looked as if he was saying ‘bring it on’.

Elliot kicked the ball, making the shot for the top right corner.  Carly’s eyes widened as she threw herself to the right, her fingers hitting against the ball with enough force so that it was safely away from hitting the net.  The students jumped to their feet cheering and clapping loudly, even the hecklers grudgingly clapped along with them. 

Carly got up from her position on the floor to take in the cheering crowd.  She raised her hands in the air and jumped excitedly on the spot, expressing her own jubilant joy.  With flushed cheeks and a wide smile she turned towards her three friends.  Callum and Liam were ecstatic; both of them were hugging each other and jumping up and down in a crazy fashion.  If the cheering from the students had been a little quieter, they would have been able to hear Liam screaming, “That’s my baby!”

Jasper...was passed out on the ground.  Carly grimaced slightly at his laid out position, but deduced that he was alright when she saw his chest moving.  Jasper wasn’t one to let his feelings get to him, apparently the shock of Carly not only saving one ball but all three, was too much for his almost always emotionless mind to handle.

Coach grinned slightly at the young boy, so the pipsqueak can play huh?  It looks like he was the only one, from those who participated, to actually not allow any balls from entering the net.  It seems we’ve found ourselves a new goalie.  Coach turned towards Elliot, who had already come to the same conclusion.  Both of them nodded towards each other in understanding, before Elliot ran over towards Carl to congratulate him.           

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