Chapter 1 : The Enchanted Forest

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I averted my eyes to save her any further embarrassment and made my way over to the silver cart that she had used to bring the cutlery and plates through from the kitchen. I picked up the pile of plates and began to help her.

She looked astonished as I placed them between her neatly arranged cutlery.

"With all due respect Your Highness, what are you doing?"

I looked up, pretending to be clueless, "I'm helping you put out the breakfast things."

"Well I can do that." she said, before hastily adding, "Your highness." and knotting her apron around her fingers.

I huffed and slumped into my chair grumpily; I bet my mother wouldn't have hesitated to help, or been criticised for it for that matter. She had been such a loving woman. But she had died two years ago from a heart disease. My father was left devastated, and so was Arianna and I. Not a day went by that I didn't wish she was still here to give me some advice.

"Are you alright Your -"

I held a hand to silence her, "Please, stop calling me that. I appreciate it, I really do. But it gets a little boring don't you think?" I attempted a grin, "Just call me Agnarr."

To say she was startled was an understatement, she stared at me as if I had just announced I was dead.

I sighed and put my head in my hand. One day perhaps, one day I won't be treated with so much respect.

People in the town would often just wave to me, but any attempt at conversation would result in them worrying over what to say to a royal. And servants in the Palace bowed or curtsied if you so much as looked at them. It got rather frustrating after a while - you just want to be treated like everybody else.

She didn't take much longer to set the table and hurriedly left the room, covering her face.

My father entered a few moments later and breakfast was served.

Arianna had gone to visit Corona again as she enjoyed travelling and our neighboring Kingdom was her favorite place to go. She was old enough to venture out on her own too, being only a year younger than me at 15. My father and I had stayed behind, however, for our visit to the Enchanted Forest and the Northuldra people.

"So." I said awkwardly, hoping to start a conversation - my father could be rather distant at times.

He looked up at me over the rim of his morning wine glass, "Yes son?"

Boosted with confidence at his acknowledgment, I continued, "Looking forward to this afternoon?" I took a bite out of my marmalade-spread toast.

He put the glass down and looked at me thoughtfully, before saying, "I suppose so. It's what must be done."

I furrowed my brow, "What do you mean?" Something sounded off about his statement. Something ... ominous.

He shrugged and smiled at me, "To keep the peace, we must make the effort to visit their home. Perhaps one day they'll come to ours."

I lit up at that, "Really?"

"Why not?"

I grinned, and turned back to my toast.

"Now. Let's turn our minds to more important things my boy."

I looked up again, "Like what, father?"

He gestured with an arm, "You know. Union. Yours. Marriage."

I almost choked on my water at that. I wiped my mouth and looked at him, "Marriage?!"

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