Chapter 10: The Dance Battle

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Winty's POV

After lunch, we head to the arena where the dance battle is held. I see the Boy Band looking at me and smirk. I roll my eyes and look away in disbelief. I am so not into them.

Anyways, Kevin steps up between us - the groups - and begins saying,"Are you all ready for the dance battle?!".

"We are so ready for it!", we answered.

"We are all prepared for it!", I hear the Boy Band answered.

"All right!", said Kevin,"For those of you who are new here, this is no ordinary dance battle. Each group gets to show off your dance moves that fits perfect for you and catching the world's imagination. After the 1st group's 2-minute dance performance, you'll hear the buzzer and the other group will take a turn for another 5 minutes. After that, the result will be decided, but will not tell until the very end of the contest. If we're not yet sure, you have to repeat the steps all over again until we decide the winner of this year's dance battle. Now, let the battle begin in 5... 4..." .

We huddle together to make a quick recap about our ideas for the dance battle.

"3... 2...", he continues the countdown as we face the Boy Band ready to beat them in the dance battle,"1... BATTLE IT UP!".

The music starts as we dance the choreography that Maddie and Dania taught us (Video above of the girls' dance performance). I hear the judges and the host cheering as we continue to dance along the music.

After 2 minutes, we hear the buzzer and it's the Boy Band's turn to dance. As they do it, they're more like breakdances than the actual performance, but it seems to catch the everyone's imagination.

After another 2 minutes, Kevin says that they're not sure, so the dance battle continues. This time, Maddie and Dania tell us to just show our dancing skills whether they're old or new. I show off by twisting my feet with a couple of snaps. After that, I do something I've never shown to others before. I do cartwheels, which amazes everyone.

I call my group,"Girls, somersault!".

"Have we prepared that before?", asked Maddie.

"For a long time", I answered,"Maybe for the acrobats show. Now, let's show them our new skills".

We all prepare for our somersault, with me on top of Maddie & Dania and half of the other girls at the bottom of us. It forms a pyramid. I hear everyone - except the Boy Band - cheering. I see the other half bringing me down to the ground and next is Maddie and Dania and then, the rest of the girls (except those at the bottom).

I see the Boy Band trying to show off their dance moves, but Kevin raises his hand to stop them.

"Woah, woah, woah, stop guys. Stop!", he said,"We have made a decision, so the second round is over!".

We cheered in excitement while the boys look down in disappointment. I guess it means they want to win again.

"But the final round will start before dinner after the sun sets", he tells us,"So be prepared for it".

"What time is it?", I asked the girls.

Diana checks the time,"It's already 1:07".

"Which means there's still time", I said as we head back to the tent, so we could practice the performance for the final round, me taking the lead. We sing a tune that I taught them two days ago, do a simple choreography and add some special effects.

By the time the sun sets, we gather around the stage where the final round is held. This is going to be amazing!

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