Chapter 4: Heartbroken ("Call to the Wild")

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Winty's POV

It's been 7 years since I met Wyatt and we have so much fun running and playing tag secretly when we have time. I found out that there's another way to go out of the school and into the Forbidden Forest. Going through the window in my room. When the time is done, we say goodbye to each other and promise that we can hangout again sometime. I also sketch things about the time we were doing.

Then, I realized something. Wyatt Lykensen is no longer a stranger and as we grow older, he's more handsome than I thought he would be. There's still time tonight and I'm excited to meet him again.

Now, I'm in Sophomore (10th grade) and I'm 15 years old. I fully have skills to sing, dance and everything related to performing, but almost fully good at major subjects.

Diana's POV

I wonder what she's up to. I mean every time we have free time, she always go to an unknown place. I don't know why, but either way, she's still my best friend. Tonight, instead of sleeping, I'll follow her without her knowing (since my house is near the school) to find out what she's really up to.

Lauren's POV

I feel so worried about her. I mean, every time there's free time, she always go out and hangout with Wyatt like she told me. I may not know why, but tonight, I'll keep an eye on her no matter what happens and also, it's because I need to find out if Wyatt is a threat to her or not.

Back to Winty's POV

Time skip to tonight...

In my room, I prepare my new bag and my casual outfit and sneakily go through the window and tiptoe carefully on a window post. I spot the pipe, which is 5cm from me. I manage to reach the pipe and let my feet jump on the pipe without any noise. Then, I slide down the pipe without any sound.

At last, I reach the ground. I then, go to the Forbidden Forest to meet Wyatt again, but he's nowhere to be found. I'm tempted to call him, but I bite my lip knowing that if I scream his name, everyone will wake up, so I have to look for him with my own eyes.

Suddenly, I hear someone trip over a rock and fall down. I turned to see..... Diana! What is she doing here?! Does she want to find out my secrets?! Does she want to find out what I'm up to?! Nevertheless, I walk to her and lend her a hand saying,"You okay?".

"Yeah, I'm fine", she said as she takes my hand and I help her get up.

"I told you to keep quiet, so that we won't be noticed", a familiar voice said. I get jumped when I hear that voice. That voice belongs to my stepmother. She shows up walking and approaching me.

"What are you two doing here?", I asked them,"Protecting me? Keeping an eye on me? You want to find out what I'm really up to? You want to know my secrets?".

"I think the answer to all of this is...", Diana thinks for a moment,"Yes".

I get a little upset and almost give them a look.

"Because one, I'm your best friend", said Diana.

"And two, I'm your stepmother. We talked in private, remember?", my stepmother asked me.

I nodded my head saying,"Yes, but only if we're in my room".

"Can we come with you?", she asked me.

"No thank you", I declined.

"Oh, come on. Just one time", Diana convinces me.

"Absolutely not", I declined again.

The Undiscovered Person (Prologue of Wyatt Lykensen x OC Series)Where stories live. Discover now