Nouvelle Coccinelle: Birthday Crasher (Episode 7)

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Y/N's Perspective

"4:30 Am." I whispered while looking at the clock hanging on the wall, its long leg moved every second, I don't know why I woke up too early, I can't even make myself sleep again. I'm lying on my bed, and too lazy to do chores early in the morning. I've already written things on my diary, backreaded on the group chat, ignoring the new messages from people that I do not have on my friend list on my Feedbook, looking at Tikki sleep, and remembering what happened yesterday.

The two workers, Mr. Guillvier and Ms. Cartphase had reconciled, her boss finaly gave her a second chance and when it rained, there are few people who got angry with the forecaster because the two had apologized in their Feedbook page. As always, myself, had brought an umbrella in case it rains, and good thing that Adrien returned it to me.

《 Flashback《

I smiled to the two workers as they talked across the street, walking inside the building and I heard their conversation, I'm so glad that they could get into it.

This way, we could reduce Akumatizations.

I sighed when I thought how hard a superhero's job is, It took me minutes before I could make two plans at the same time during the danger, Plan A, if the violet remote control released its Akuma, then it is too easy to defeat the villain, but I had second thoughts, and because of this, Plan B was produced, if the remote control didn't release its Akuma, then it's somewhere in her body that can be taken off easily but hard if it's on her full attention, I examined the villain's appearance and found out that her red prescription glasses could be taken off... So I used Cat's Cataclysm when Plan A didn't work and Plan B did.

"Cheese and crackers!" I gasped when something or someone bumped on me. It's scary to have an insect or animal bumping on you without you noticing it. I sighed in relief when I found out that it's a human.

"Nino!" He says grumpily in his breath that I can easily hear, thanks to my keen hearing. "H-hi, Y/N."

"Adrien!" I said, facing him. "Hey, and you wanna talk about something?" I wave my hand and ask.

He points us to a bench nearby and we sit down. "I-it's past 12, you don't have lunch yet?"

"I couldn't have lunch when I'm in the middle of the villain attack, agree?" I lied, he nods hesitantly and I continued talking. "Besides, C/N and I have lunch together very often."

"Oh." He gives a short reply.

"But..." I told my second thought. "It's fun to have lunch with a friend alone, eh? We could get to know each other very well."

"You mean, just you and me?"

"Something like that." I said. "Unfortunately, you can't because your father is coldly strict, correct?"

"Corr- What?" He surprisingly realizes what I just said. "To whom did you hear that?"

"Nin-" I was about to tell Nino's name when he rolls his eyes, glancing at somewhere.

"If it wasn't my father..." He frowns, which made me wonder why he wants to have lunch alone with me. I giggle on how he really wants to be friendly with anyone else, I stopped when I saw him staring at me. Maybe I'm thinking ridiculously.

"You know," I talked as if I didn't notice his eyes. "I like breaking the rules." He hears this and I can say that he's kind of interested. "You wouldn't know, that I have multiple plans on escaping an adult, especially parents." I whispered.

"You also know that's bad right?" Adrien clears out, I nod and he continued. "But I like that."

I smiled and I want this conversation to prolong, so I suggested. "We can chat right? I find out talking to you very interesting. But I'm not telling that I'm trying to have a chance with a famous model, many girls are admiring you for sure. I wanted to be close friends with you, like everyone else."

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