Nouvelle Coccinelle: Forecaster (Episode 6)

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Y/N's Perspective

I ran to our door, racing with C/N. It's 5:54 Am and I and my family came home from our jogging. We always do that every dawn, except Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday. The day before yesterday was a Sunday, and it's the day we came here to Paris. We didn't jog yesterday because we were so tired preparing and arranging things here in our new home.

I happily touched the door saying, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!! I won! Now, C/N. Croissants, and answer who's your crush."

C/N only walks knowing that he lost the race, panting. "You... Are.., So.., Fast... in.. running... you... even... have... surprising... agility..." He breathed deeply. "Like earlier, you jumped above the sofa. Where did you get that? From a superhero?"

I widen my eyes and began to stutter. "Uhh... I-... Uh-.. Adrenaline?" Oh come on, I am one of the superheroes! I can't let anyone think that! That's a big enormous secret!

"Speaking of superheroes," Dad comes, holding the keys to the house. "I watched the news yesterday, from Nadja Chamack? Paris DO have superheroes." Dad opens the house and we walked in.

"I know right, they are like the guardians of Paris!" Mom walks in with S/N. "That always keeps us safe."

"Ladybug and Cat Noir!!! Whooo!!! I am a huge fan of them!!!" S/N yells and we all laugh.

C/N sits on the sofa, turning off the music on his phone and took off the earphones he had on his ears. "Well, good thing we have superheroes, I even thought that they only exist on comic books, like the Marvel Heroes! Spiderman, Captain America, Hulk... And a lot more!" He says while counting the comic heroes on his fingers.

"I heard that Ladybug is replacing the past Ladybug." Mom says, sits on the sofa too.

I blush. I hate it when people are talking about my alter-ego.

"You look up to it now, Honey?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, you know the famous Ladyblog?" Mom shows us the blog on her phone. Seriously? Everyone is loving the new Ladybug already?! Waaaahhh!!! Please don't fail next time, Y/N.

"Yes, from Alya Cesairè! One of our classmates!" I blurt out. "Right, C/N?"

"Really?" Mom and Dad asks. C/N nods.

"Well, you better be careful Y/N, C/N, S/N and M/N. If there are Superheroes, of course, there will be Supervillains. I don't want to see you hurt, those villains can come out anywhere." Dad warns as we all nod.

"Mom, Dad, could I turn on the television?" S/N asks, of course, she might been dreaming about television series she always wanted to watch in our past home.

"Okay, honey." Mom agrees, she stands up and turns on the television, then she goes to the kitchen to wash her hands, then she went straight to her room upstairs. "I'll change, so I can cook breakfast."

"Yay!" S/N raises her arms to the air.

"I'll help your mom, rest 10 minutes and take a bath, you have school today remember, Y/N and C/N?" Dad says, standing up.

"Of course, dad." I say. Then dad walks into their room upstairs.

The screen shows the advertisement and suddenly, the program comes back.

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