Chapter 2: Prince Raine Arstrada of Arkadia

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((photo above is reference to Prince Raine))

For the next two days, the Elven princess and the new hero Spriggan traveled to Arkadia together. They encountered a few monsters and some more bandits, but it wasn't anything Juno couldn't handle. Between attacks with plants and the ability to control the animals nearby, he took care of any issue they had. Juno felt as though he had gotten to know Wendy fairly well. She hates spiders and rain, and loves flowers and cute squirrels. Despite being a royal, she loved to talk and never seemed to stop. During this trip, Juno swore he knew the girl's whole life story. She had answered some questions the Spriggan had to ask, so it wasn't completely useless. Wendy had actually explained that she didn't know how to control her power, which made her an outcast in her family and forced everyone to worry about her.

Juno felt for her, knowing there was a time where he had so much power and didn't know what to do with it. It confused him, even scared him. As time went, he realized what he had to do. It took years of restless training with the spirits, but he was able to get to where he was today. Maybe, if things turned out okay for him at Arkadia, he'd teach her a thing or two.

As they approached the gate to Arkadia, Juno felt slightly nervous. He had no idea the kind of persecution that could await there. It was the royal city after all, and the king was known for being against Spriggan prosperity. It wasn't even just royals, there was a stigma in the minds of many different kinds of men and women alike in Junrial.

"We're here." Wendy announced, sounding less than pleased. The gate was one of great uninpenitrableness. The steps leading to the golden gate were glass. Statues of lions adorned each side, looking as if they may come to life with a touch of magic. Knights guarded the tops of the walls with their magical archery, ready to strike down any opposers.

"It's Princess Wendy! Open the gate!" Juno heard from behind the wall, proceeding the loud grinding that the opening of the gate created. He gulped, hoping this wouldn't be as painful as it may be. A group of knights met Wendy, all talking her ear off as if they hadn't seen her in months. She pleaded with them to be calm, that she was unharmed and had only gotten lost.

"It's just like you to lose your way like that." Juno heard from behind the group of knights. They paused, making way for the voice that spoke so diligently towards a princess. As Juno's eyes landed on this person, it was like time had slowed. An elf, similar to Wendy. The playfulness that resided deep within his amethyst eyes was intoxicating, it swelled around his entire being. He was calm and cool but his aura was off the charts. As soon as Juno laid eyes on this elf, he recognized him immediately as the one he saw in the water. The one who he was supposedly going to fight great battles with. Wendy looked eerily similar to him, so there was enough evidence to assume that this was her brother; the prince.

"Oh shush. All the woods look the same." Wendy pouted, crossing her arms while turning to look away from her pushy older brother. The beautiful elf man laughed, a deep belly laugh that made a tear pull from his eye. Juno was transfixed by this prince, abashedly unable to pull his eyes away. The Spriggan's tongue swelled to the roof of his mouth, the ability to speak far from reach.

"They sure do. Don't go running off like that anymore, father has been absolutely dreadful." He placed a pale hand to his forehead, as if fighting a pain. Suddenly, those dark violet eyes opened once more and landed immediately on Juno. He gulped at making eye contact with the elf. "And who is this lad?"

"Oh! Brother, this is Juno Rosecco from Karo! He saved me from bandits." Wendy explained excitedly, she sure had energy for a girl who's been lost for two days. "Juno, this is Prince Raine of Arkadia, and my big brother." Prince Raine took a couple steps forward, making continuous eye contact with Juno. The prince smirked, looking at the Spriggan up and down.

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