Chapter 9

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     When I was almost through my shift at work I got a text from Rowan asking if I was off work yet. I texted back "No I'm not off work yet. I will get off soon though. What's up?" I didn't get a message back for a while so I decided to go put my phone away for the rest of my shift. Jack didn't show up for work today and that was very unlike him. He did tell me though that he wasn't feeling very well the yesterday.

On my way home I got a call from Jack. I didn't answer because I was in the car until he called a second time. ("E" is for Elijah "J" is for Jack)

E: Jack I'm kinda busy here. I'm driving.
J: Elijah I have some big news
E: Alright Jack but make it quick please.
J: Okay well today I had to miss work because I was in the hospital-
E: What! Jack what happened?
J: Okay so you know how me and Katrina have been talking about having a baby? Well she's pregnant!
E: Wow Jack I'm so happy for you! For a second I thought you were going to die or something.
J: Haha no way! I've been so excited all day! Jack? Honey can you fetch me some ice cream please?
E: Well looks like you gotta job to take care of.
J: Yeah I better get on that, talk to you later Elijah!

I got home and checked my messages and found a message from Rowan. "Sorry for bothering you at work but I was just gonna ask if you could maybe pick me up something from the store? I haven't been feeling well recently and it's keeping me bed bound. I'll go ahead and give you my address." Hmm well I guess I could since I don't have anything else to do tonight. I texted back "Sure Rowan! What would you like me to get?" I went to feed Bear and got another message almost instantly "I just need a jug of milk, dishwasher pods, and some markers. And my address is 1709 Safari Ave. I really appreciate this." I told her not to worry about it and that I'd be over in a bit with her things.

     I went to Walmart and got her items but also slipped in a stuffed bunny. I thought that maybe I could tell if she was a little by how her reaction was to the toy. When I was checking out the cashier just gave me a odd look. I guess the items I bought were a little random but hey, who cares I'm doing this for Rowan. Before leaving the store I shot a text to Rowan telling her I was on my way. Safari Ave wasn't far from where I lived so it was pretty easy to find.

     I pulled up by a cosy two floored white house with a sleek black car outside. I walked up and knocked on the door and I saw the door creak open with Rowan behind it. She was holding her stomach and had her head down. I could tell she was in pain. "Hey Rowan I got your things. I also slipped something special in there since I know you're not feeling well." She thanked me and asked if I'd like to come in and we both sat in her dining room chatting for the about the rest of the night.

Little Rowan and Daddy [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora