Chapter 8: Arguments and Potatoes

Start from the beginning

Grian looked at him in surprise, the corners of his lips twitching upwards.

"Mouthy today are we? Fair enough, I'm no hypocrite"

"Wait that worked?!" Mumbo gaped.

"Careful now. Don't ruin it by being yourself" Grian chided with a smirk.

Mumbo felt laughter bubble in his chest at the relaxed, teasing atmosphere between them. He reached out to shove him playfully, but as Mumbo outstretched his arm, Grian flinched back and used the torch to block his hand.

"I-I'm sorry" Mumbo stuttered. "I-I wasn't going to... I didn't mean-"

"Forget it"

His voice was so quiet, and so small Mumbo felt an overwhelming urge to pull the small God into his arms and squeeze him as tightly as he could.

Bad idea. If he flinches when I touch his shoulder, who knows how he'd react if I tried to hug him.

The pair walked the rest of the way in silence, Grian having nothing to say, and Mumbo having so much he couldn't decide where to start.

"Are you hungry?" Grian asked once they entered the large castle.

"Uh, yeah, I am actually. I always forget to bring food or money when I come down"

"Well I don't have a lot right now since I wasn't paid in full today, but I'm sure I can find something"

At Grian's words, Mumbo felt residual anger rise in his chest.

Jevin. Fucking asshole.

Mumbo had seen everything from the bushes, and it had been supremely difficult to stop himself from revealing his position and smacking the little punk across the face.

But of course, then Grian would know the extent of his stalking, and Mumbo didn't know if he had the strength to bear that kind of mortification.

In the kitchen, he sat on a high wooden stool, watching Grian as he flittered around, looking through drawers and cabinets.

It really was the first time seeing the small God without a cloak on, and the effect was a bit jarring. Grian's fluffy blond curls bounced as he moved around, reflecting the golden light of the wood fire oven. He was also inordinately skinny. The large flowing cloaks he usually wore billowed around his body, obstructing everything but his hands and the top part of his chest from view. But now, seeing him in a raggedy patched up tunic and slacks, the sickening view was fully displayed. Mumbo could even count his ribs through the side of his shirt.

"Ah!" Grian cried triumphantly, holding up a single potato. "Let me just throw this in the fire for a bit to bake and then you can eat, ok?"

Mumbo just, nodded, not really listening as he took in the whole view of Grian's face.

Unlike his body, his face wasn't horribly skinny, just normal. Although his mask (today a black one with a red swirly design) still covered his forehead, nose, and cheekbones, Mumbo could see freckles dotting his chin and neck. It would've been endearing if his collar bones didn't produce such large shadows on his torso.

All in all, the old God looked much like a malnourished 16 year old boy.

"Ready!" Grian trilled, placing a plate in front of Mumbo with a steaming potato on it, and bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Thanks" Mumbo picked up the fork that was offered. "What are you eating?"

"Not hungry" Grian said with a shrug, sitting down across the table and taking off his black gloves.

"We can share" Mumbo offered, pushing the plate so it was between them.

Grian looked up with a confused expression.

"Why? I thought you said you were hungry?"

"But you should probably eat something too"

"I ate earlier today"

Mumbo bit his tongue. He knew it was a lie, but if he called him out, then he'd have to admit that he had been watching Grian all day.

"I'm not that  hungry" he stressed. "Come on"

"I'm fine"

"Grian would you please just-"

"What's the big deal?"

"Why are you being so difficult?"

"Mumbo I just don't understand. Why would you give me something you want?"

"Because I want to!" He yelled.

Silence fell over the room. Mumbo felt his face flush as Grian looked down at his hands.

"Look, I'm sorry, I just-"

"Why are you being nice to me?" Grian whispered.

Mumbo blinked.


"I've been nothing but rude to you, and people... people don't like me" he sounded like he was struggling to get the words out. "So why are you so nice to me?"

For the second time within an hour, Mumbo felt the urge to wrap the small God in his arms.

"I... I just... why not?"

"That's not an answer"

Mumbo took a breath.

"I... like... talking to you. I like... that you make fun of me. I just like... you. You're... you're my friend"

Grian looked up, and Mumbo could see his eyes shining behind his mask.

"Your friend?" His voice croaked. "I'm your friend?"

Mumbo nodded, everting his eyes as he tried to quell the rising heat in his cheeks.

"I... thank you" Grian smiled a bit, turning his back so Mumbo couldn't see the tears rolling out from under his mask.

I have a friend.

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