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Y/N Pov

I walked down the hallway. My hair hanging low, flowing like my flower-print dress. My boots clicking as I walked. Today was my birthday. I turned 16. My best friend Yeji spotted me and ran over to me with a large smile and bright eyes. 

"Y/n!! Happy birthday!" Yeji yelled. The whole hallway turned towards me and just stared. I was so uncomfortable with all eyes on me. I grabbed Yeji's arm and ran to the empty cafeteria.

"Yeji, you know I get really embarrassed when everyone's watching me.." I whispered. She apologized and we walked back into the hallway.

I threw my backpack in my locker after I got my books. The first few classes flew by as it was already lunch time.

I sat with Yeji as we exchanged lunches. "Yay!!" I opened her lunch bag to find her mom's famous homemade Japchae. It was delicious and Yeji knew it was my favorite so I thanked her for it. I got her some Tteokbokki which was her favorite. 

Yeji left to the bathroom. As I was eating the Japchae, I felt a burning hot liquid run down from my nape to the end of my back. I screamed in pain as it burnt my back. I jumped up and turned around to see Jung Hayoon. She hated me for no reason ever since 3rd grade. 

"Oh my goodness!! Did I hurt you?? I'm so sorry.." She smirked at me, spit on my dress, stomped on my new shoes, and walked off. Everyone's eyes were on me and Yeji wasn't there to help me. I just stood there like an idiot as my tears rolled down my cheeks. Some people laughed, some yelled at Hayoon, and some came over to help me.

Once they were done surrounding me, I saw Yeji pushing Hayoon. I ran over there to try and stop Yeji.

"Aww, you're friend came to protect you?" Hayoon laughed. I don't know what got into me but I kicked Hayoon's knee and punched her in the face. Everyone was cheering me on and I think for the first time, I wasn't embarrassed in front of everyone. Hayoon was limping as she ran away to the bathrooms. 

My back started to hurt really bad so I went to the nurse's office. There was already someone laying on the bed so I had to sit down. As I was sitting in pain, the other person woke up. 

"Why you holding your back like that? You got scoliosis or sum?" He laughed. "No!! Stop laughing!" I hesitated to say. "Well, why are you holding your back?" He made a weird face. "Someone poured hot coffee down my shirt." I looked down. 

"Well who did it?" He asked. "No one.." I said. "Okay I guess you don't want the bed." He shrugged. "FINE. It was Jung Hayoon." I sighed. "Of course. I'm sorry, she's my sister and she hates everyone." He said.

"It's fine." I said. He stood up. "What are you doing?" I asked. He just grabbed my phone, typed something in, then handed it back to me. "Text me if Hayoon does anything stupid" He said as he made his way out.

Jung Hoseok was his name. 

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