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Jane pov...

I wake up and start getting ready for work. I have a shower, get dressed and make a coffee.
I sit down to drink my coffee. I am still tired even though I slept well enough last night and had no nightmares. I can't tell if being tired is worse than my headache.

Lately I have started to get dizzy, tired  and headaches in the last few weeks. I have an appointment about making sure the cancer isn't back next week so I haven't been to the doctors yet. I don't think it's that though as I'm late so I think I'm pregnant, I haven't taken a test yet.
Lincoln and I slept together about a month ago after having a nice dinner and a few too many drinks. We decided afterwards that neither of us was really ready for a relationship so we will stick to being just friends now.

I haven't told anyone yet as I don't know what is going on and I won't until I see the doctor next week. My phone goes off and I answer to find we have a murder. I get the location and drive to the scene.

I get to the scene which is a alley between an abandoned building and a clothing shop. I go over to the victim and Maura says "victim is a male, mid 20's, three lacerations to the back. Same width of each wound. I will know more when I get to the lab"

Frost and Frankie have been looking around the scene for any evidence or property belonging to the victim. There was no wallet or ID found on or near the victim so it's a possible robbery.
Once we have finished at the scene we head to BPD to go over what we have. Frost starts looking for any security cameras around the scene. I head down to the morgue to see what Maura has.

Maura is running prints and his face through the system to see if she can get and ID. She tells me that the wounds are 3cm wide and 10cm deep from a metal blade, their is a small piece of the blade that broke off.

There are signs of defensive wounds showing that our victim fought with his attacker. The system comes up with a match on our victims to a Albert Klide.
I head upstairs to let Frost and Korsak know what we have found. Frost runs his name in the system and we find that Albert Klide is 24, lives in Boston, works at a electronics store, his parents died in a car crash two years ago, he has a twin brother.
His next of kin is his fiancée Holly Brooks, she is on her way in for us to talk to her.

Frost and Frankie will talk to Holly while Korsak and I head to his work to talk to his co-workers. We find out that he gets on well with his co-workers, no problems with any customers. Holly tells us they they have been together for three years, Albert didn't have any family left other than his brother Spencer but they haven't talked in a year. After their parents died Spencer turned to drugs and would only come to Albert if he needed something.

We look at the financials for the two brothers. It shows that Albert has a large amount of money from inheritance when his parents died, Spencer is broke and late on his bills.

We locate Spencer, he was trying to catch a bus out of town. We arrest him and he confesses that he needed money to pay off loan sharks and he went to talk to Albert but they fought instead. When Albert turned to walk away Spencer stabbed him in the back with his pocket knife. We finish the paperwork and send Spencer to booking. Frankie asks if I want to go with him to The Dirty Robber for drinks but I tell him no I'm going home to bed it's been a tiring day.

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