999 19 9

Jane pov...

The DNA found at the scene from the apprentice had no matches in the system. Korsak, Frost, Maura, Riley and I all head back to the scene to see if we can find anything different. Riley is coming with us as we know that she could be targeted and it would be safer to keep her with us. Ma, Tommy and Frankie are at the prescient in the cafe as Ma is still working and we wanted them to be under police protection but they don't want to be at home.

We look all around the house for anything we might have missed or overlooked in the first search.  Riley stays with me while we look around. I find a receipt hidden under the couch from a local Starbucks purchased with an eftpos card for the date of the murder but there was no trace of the purchase when we checked bank records. We finish searching the rest of the house and find nothing else that seems relevant to the case. Korsak and Frost head to the Starbucks to look at the security cameras to see who made the purchase.

Maura, Riley and I head back to the prescient and head to my desk while waiting for Korsak and Frost. Riley and Maura share stories of me that they have, I sit there and listen to what they share and think about how I never thought that I would see Riley again and now the people I care about have met her and will want to know more about her. Korsak and Frost come back with the security video before the stories are too embarrassing, as soon as they are back the stories are over and it is back to focusing on work.

We watch the video and it is confirmed that Hoyt was there buying coffee with a man who looks early thirties, Frost runs his face through facial recognition which gives us a hit. The man matches a Kane Myers. He has records for assault and breaking and entering but all charges were dropped. Currently works at a locksmith shop and lives a few blocks away from the shop. Frost and Frankie will go to his work, Korsak and I will go to his home and Riley will stay in Maura's office while Maura works in the morgue.

Korsak and I arrive at Myers apartment, the door is partly open so we go in. Korsak and I split up to check the apartment. I go in the bedroom and check that it is clear and move to the ensuite which is empty, I turn to leave when I am hit on the head with something and hit the ground. I go to fight until Hoyt pulls a gun on me and the apprentice covers my mouth. I am taken into a hidden room behind the wardrobe and the door gets sealed shut at the same time as I get another hit to the head and black out.

Jane's hidden past ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon