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Maura pov...

We are all sitting or standing in the waiting room. Frankie is pacing around, I see Korsak sitting with his face in his hands. I know he partly blames himself as Jane and him split up when Jane was taken. I go over and sit down next to him.
I ask "how are you Korsak?"
He says "alright, I wish I had killed him the first time we met"
I say "we can't change the past, we are glad you saved Jane this time and now Hoyt is dead and we can work on helping Jane"
He nods and says "you weren't here the last time when it was Jane's hands, she pushed everyone away. She wouldn't work with me after that, it took a long time for her to regain function and even now she has problems, her feet will be much worse."
I nod and say "yes but she now has more support than ever and they are learning to methods for rehabilitation that she can use"
He asks "how are you not angry with me, Jane wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for me?"
I shake my head and say "I should have said thank you earlier, you saved Jane's life and killed Hoyt. There is nothing to blame you for"
He doesn't know what to say after that and sits in silence.

After I finish talking to Korsak we go back to waiting in silence. We all look up every time a doctor or nurse walks in and calls a name. They have called some so far but not Jane. We see a doctor walk in and stop, look at us and walk over. He doesn't need to call Jane and he could tell from the size of the group and people like Frankie who are in uniform.
He gets to us, stops and asks "who is the immediate family of Jane Rizzoli?"
Angela, Frankie and Tommy stand up and walk to the doctor. Angela says "I'm her mother and these are her brothers but everyone else is practically family and can hear any updates"
The doctor nods and says "alright, thank you I just had to have confirmation from family before I say anything. I am Dr. Kimpton, I was there for Miss Rizzoli's surgery. She is stable now, she is still unconscious and in recovery before she will be transferred to ICU. She has bruises and scratches all over her body, her feet have the most damage where the nerves have been damaged and the bone shattered. We have placed metal screws and plates in her foot for the bone to fuse to as it heals. We are waiting for her to be conscious before we run some more tests and check her feet. They will both be put in casts for a minimum of six weeks, possibly longer. This injury will take some time to heal and will be painful and hard for her. We have found no other injuries and will know more when she is awake and talking. We let keep you updated."
We nod and say "thank you doctor" before the doctor walks away and we are left to wait once again.

We hug each other glad that she is stable. We don't say it but know that we he said no other injuries that included no signs of sexual assault. We can't imagine how hard this will be on Jane with the fact she won't be able to do much without help.

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