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Fuck Bacardi. Fuck Hennessy. Fuck Hendrick's Gin. Fuck Jose Cuervo. Fuck... Uhm, what is it called again? It's something that starts with letter 'g'. Oh! It's the Grey Goose Vodka! But as much as I want to recall every damn drink I had, my world is surely spinning like I was riding a horse in a carousel that's been spinning like crazy. 

I am cursing every goddamn drinks I had at the bar right now, but oh did I just repeated what I had said? I giggled when I realized that I just had a talk with myself for a moment there. 

I am fucking intoxicated right now. My mind is too light while my body feels too heavy for me to even walk straight. With my denim jacket on my left arm and the key of my precious Chevrolet Corvette Stingray together with my strap heels on my right hand, I had no choice but to twist the knob of our front door's handle with my free hand, which is my my clumsy left hand. 

"I'll be needing a breast reduction tomorrow..." I whispered to myself when I saw how my babies are begging to be out of my red sleeveless chest-drawn-stringed blouse. 

And when I heard some shuffles inside the house, I quickly put my index finger on my mouth and gestured myself to be quiet. I look pathetic right now, but to hell I care. I just had a night of my life! This is what you call an actual living the life!

I was giggling to myself when I successfully opened the door. I was having a little party on my own when I heard someone from behind, all the lights went on and when I turned around, I saw my dad's face. 

You can tell by his face that he's not a bit pleased as to whatever's he's seeing right in front of his eyes. Kailan ba siya naging masaya sa mga nakikita niya? I think he's really missing out the fun, is it his age? No, I doubt it. 

I raised my hands up in the air in sign of defeat, not bothering how the things in my hand drop in to the ground, making a loud crashing noise in the middle of the calm and steady night. Oh, but it's already three in the morning! 

I smiled sweetly at him, "Hey, Pops! How you holdin' up?" I asked ever so sweetly. The magic of the alcohol isn't really that bad after all, huh?

He seemed to not have found the joke in my question that is why he threw his quad cane somewhere across the room. I even saw how our house helpers immediately attended to his side. 

"I will not be disrespected in my own house, young lady!" Lahat yata ng ugat sa katawan niya ay napunta na sa leeg at mukha. His face right now is to die for. Well, for starters, you wouldn't even see a government official like this in television, right? He was always calm and collected. 

I thought that I would just be a dandy and just sleep this off, but the spirit of Jack Daniels is working on me. My uncontrollable mouth can't even.  "Oh, how come you know about big things like disrespect when you can't even tell the simplest truth? How come, father?" 

The robe he's wearing fits him perfectly, it was painted with gold. Well, money suckers? 

"Stop this already, Tallulah! This won't change my mind! You're still going to your mother's later this afternoon." He's shouted. Waking every damned rested spirits at this hour.

The word 'mother' threw me off. Just by hearing him say that disgusts the creeping hell out of me. I've known no mother since I was born. All that I ever had by my side was either Manang Josie, the eldest house help we have ever since or the comfort I am receiving with my friends. So don't tell me no mother, because I ain't buying that. 

"Why? She's not even my real mother, so drop it!" I think that the effect of the alcohol is starting to worn off too fast than expected. 

I could always use a heated conversation to cure my hangovers! I didn't know that it was the most effective method than those meds and smoothies shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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