Chapter 1: New Life, New Monsters

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One thing is most certain in life and that is the fact that all things eventually die. How they die is the only aspect of death that is uncertain, most of the time. But regardless of that, the fact of the matter is death came, and in my case, it hurt. In more ways than the literal one, that is the truth. It was a good morning that day, no rain in sight, no pesky errands to run, it was simply me and Sofia for the day. I still remember that gorgeous, casual dress she wore along with her irradiating smile. Karma must have really wanted to balance all the blessings I had in my life, including her, to the extreme. We went to the beach to enjoy each other's company and had grilled some food after having fun in the ocean. However, we didn't notice the rogue storm that appeared out of nowhere.

Sofia had returned to the water and was relaxing at the time. The memory was foggy, but I recall the water receded for a moment. And in my attempt to get out to her I didn't pay attention to the wave that came and swallowed me. Even when forced underwater, I continued reaching out for her. My vision turned darker and darker. The cold of the water started to disappear. In my attempt to save her, I ended up being the one in need of saving. My body wouldn't move anymore, though I want it to. It was then that an unfamiliar female voice spoke in my head.

Confirmed. Paralysis Resistance successfully acquired.

It reminded me of this video game I borrowed from Sofia's brother. It was a modded fantasy world, which made the adventures all the more interesting. Certain things he added were more annoying than fun, like dying from eating apples or that dog that came out of nowhere and stabbed me. But I remember that voice that narrated encounters and commented on special items. Sometimes, by accident, it would go off and mention events before they actually happened. I don't think that mod author ever fixed that.

Confirmed. Listener of The Voice successfully acquired.

It was very dark now. Only the faded memories gave me company other than that voice. I didn't want to forget. I didn't want to die, but I also didn't want to live without Sofia. That might make me selfish, however, after everything she's pulled me through, I couldn't imagine a world without her in it. It was a few years ago, a little after we met, that she pulled me through one of my darkest moments. I wish I could have pulled her out of this. My thoughts weakened and I couldn't hold a thought much longer. All I heard was that voice.

Error. Skill selection incomplete. Selecting skills from processed information. Confirmed. Other Worldly Company... cannot execute. Substituting with Strong Bonds... Successfully acquired. Confirmed. Lover's Embrace... Successfully acquired. Confirmed. Mind Library successfully acquired. Confirmed. Constructing a high endurance body... Successful. Confirmed. Extra skill Darkness successfully acquired. Evolving extra skill Darkness into unique skill Darkness X... Successful. Modifying constructed body to utilize skills... Successful.

The bright light of the sun pierced my eyes as they opened to the blue sky of few clouds. I could feel the sand beneath me and hear the waves run to and from the shore. I felt off and struggled to stand as my balance was off, forcing me to my hands and knees when I attempted to get up. Strangely, my clothes were completely dry, on account that I wasn't wearing any. Slowly this time, rising to my feet I managed to finally see what I half expected. No one was around, not a single sign of anyone.

"What happened?" I asked myself, expecting no answer.

Answer. Otherworld transfer occurred at the time of death.

"And who is that?!" I turned around too fast and fell on my ass.

Answer. It is the effect of the skill Listener of The Voice. It allows the user to speak to and hear the Voice of The World. Additionally, it can identify objects and skills, set objectives, state the current situation, and send notifications of encounters.

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