Chapter 44: Tempest Dividends

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While waiting for tea to be prepared, all of the Demon Lords were sent off to different rooms. I debated to myself with how to proceed now that matters appeared to be settling down. Called back once the tea was done, I sat in the seat next to Rimuru which was across from Milim.

"The original reason for this Walpurgis, the discussion of Carrion's supposed betrayal and Rimuru's emergence, have been resolved," Guy stated with disinterest, but a smile soon crossed his face as tea was given to him. "I wouldn't mind ending it here, but this is a rare opportunity. Is there anyone who wants to speak?"

Frey raised her hand, "May I? I have a request."

"Go ahead," Guy listened intently.

"I would like to take this opportunity to officially announce my abdication from my Demon Lord status and ask Milim to take me as her subordinate."

This caused Milim to spit her still hot tea, shooting across the table onto me. "Wait a sec, it's my first time hearing that!" I got up and cleaned up the mess, the giant handing me a handkerchief to help clean Milim.

"That's sudden. What's your reason?" Guy asked, seemingly disappointed at the news of losing a Demon Lord.

"My reason..." Frey seldom admitted, "I think I'm too weak to be a Demon Lord. I'm convinced after seeing the fight earlier. I wouldn't have been able to defeat an awakened Clayman, let alone Milim."

"But Frey," The giant Dagruel added, "As a harpy, you specialize in highspeed aerial combat. There is no reason to deprecate yourself like this."

Frey shook her head, "That's no excuse. The battlefield being different or the tactics used. Thus, I have decided to be Milim's follower."

"She makes a point," I chimed in and looked to Milim. "Besides, I think a disciple could do you some good."

"Hold on," Carrion stood up, "If we're talking about this, I have something to say. After witnessing you two fight, it would be shameless of me to continue bearing the Demon Lord title. That's why I'm also going to give up my Demon Lord status."

"Are you sure about that, Carrion?" Guy asked, further growing disinterested and bothered. "I have taken a liking to you and was expecting you to awaken after a few hundred years."

"I appreciate your expectations," Carrion smiled as a reflection of that. "But I'll decide things for myself."

"Well, it's all good," Despite his ever changing expression, something appeared to be not good. "From now on, Frey and Carrion are no longer Demon Lords. Will you serve Milim?"

"On hold it right there," I interjected. "You're going to serve me, right?"

"What?" Carrion asked, surprised and confused.

"You put your people in my care after faking your death. It only makes sense that you pay me back," I pointed at him.

"You appear to be butting in more than you should for someone who isn't a Demon Lord," Guy stabbed into my claim. "If a former Demon Lord is going to serve anyone it should be a current Demon Lord."

"While I don't disagree with your reasoning, I have reasons of my own for wanting Carrion." I clapped back, staring Guy down to Valzard's annoyance.

"Do tell." Guy smiled expectantly.

"I, F/N Dora-Nava Tempest, announce my candidacy for the status Demon Lord. And demand the former territories of both Carrion and Clayman. As well as the eastern half of the Jura Forest." My claim caused Rimuru to stand up.

"You never mentioned that!" The slime stated in shock.

"Because I didn't want to repeat myself and wanted to make sure of my claim," I looked to Carrion. "As for wanting you, I have never governed people, not officially. I could use your experience in the matter."

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