👏 Like,You Need to Calm down 👊

Start from the beginning

Dare: Twilight to tell Celestia she's pregnant and DISCORD's the father. That would be epic!

Dare given by itsawesometime

Mane 5 except Fluttershy : Do it! Do it!

Fluttershy: Why Discord? Why not Flash who happens to be your coltfriend

Twilight: I know, right?

Pinkie: Bcoz we want to prank Celestia, duh.

Twilight : So you want to give her a heart attack

Pinkie: Twily, you need to calm down

Twilight: *continues to twilight*

Rainbow: You're being too loud

Rarity: Save the Taylor Swift puns for later darlings . The Princess has a dare to do.

Rainbow and Fluttershy: *forced to fly Twilight to Canterlot*

~ Canterlot ~

Princess Celestia : Why hello Twilight, what brings you here on this lovely day?

 Twilight: I have some news for you Princess *sighs*

Celestia: Yes, you may continue.

Twilight: I'm pregnant.

Celestia: Congratulations Twilight! I'm sure Flash is happy!

Twilight: *takes a deep breath in* Flash isn't the father.

Celestia : Then who is?

Twilight : Discord!

Celestia : *starts laughing hysterically* Nice Prank Twilight sparkle!

Twilight: What?

Celestia : Today is April Fools day!

Twilight: *sighs of relief* Ah yes, April Fools!

~ back to Twilight's castle ~

Pinkie: So, So, SO!!! What happened ?!?!

Twilight: Its April Fools, what do YOU think that happened?

Pinkie: Uh..... she believed it?

Twilight: Actually- nvm

Dare: I dare everyone to do the I dare everyone to do the caramelldansen dance. dance.

Dare given by fnafdemon

Rainbow: what the hell is a caramelldansen dance?

Applejack : My exact question..

Sapphire: *shows Mane 6 a video of the carmalldansen dance*

Mane 6: Ohhhhh!

Pinkie: Lets do this girls!*first one to start*

Mane 5: *follow Pinkies steps*

Fluttershy: This is actually sorta fun *giggles*

Twilight: *accidentally trips over rock*

Maud: Oh no. Boulder

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