15. Dawn🌿

Depuis le début

I gasp at my comment, staring at the screen five seconds too late.

I can't believe I typed that!

Blood rushes to my cheeks. My bed complains from all the jumping, and my failed attempts at a hummingbird that lay strewn across it join the chorus. They whisper, "Well, are you bonkers? Have you lost all your chlorophyll, ferny girl?"

Sorry guys, anxiety must have its way out.

He's still typing

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He's still typing. I can see the three dots, but I have to come up with something else, to cover up for my blunt message. I need to see it disappear from the screen. Can't have it there, imprinted on my damn chat. If I type anything else, it will vanish from sight. As if it never happened. A new buzz, and my room ticks over. I think I'm going to be sick.

 I think I'm going to be sick

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Ah. There goes nothing. My fingers type as silent squeals nest in my cowardly throat.

How could I forget? The memory of that ghastly event replays and I grimace

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How could I forget? The memory of that ghastly event replays and I grimace. The one silver lining was my knight in a black T-shirt, saving the fat damsel in distress.

Yet another buzz and I'm adoring this new sound.

It's as if it meant, "Oh, my! Fuzzy, creepy new emotion."

"What to do with it?"

"Swoon, shiver, breathe."

Forget me lots (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant