ethan & andy

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Holy mack...

Could sisters be bitches or what?

Obviously as Ethan had grown up with a sister of his own he had gotten a taste of the nature of girls and the way they worked and why they would do certain things — but never had he experienced two sisters in one household and how they interacted with one another.

The night before when Dani had overheard Sadie speaking to Grayson over the phone about her twin and how she felt her to be a burden sometimes with her problems, the bad choices she made and the way she was dramatic about things, she first was upset, but once she approached Sadie she was angry and went totally off the rails.

Sadie had come back with a "well both you and your boyfriend are both drama queens so it works out" therefore Ethan was the tiniest bit offended as well.

But, Sadie, being the kind-natured girl she was, let her anger boil down to guilt, and then approached her sister to apologize.

This was only five minutes after the argument.

How and why did girls' emotions change so quickly? Scary.

"Dani," Sadie's voice said softly from the doorway of her sister's room.

Both Ethan and Dani looked over at the same time from the bed.

Sadie let out an anxious breath. "I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry."

Dani sat quiet for a second, then sat up, Ethan's hand still on her hip from comforting her right beforehand. She looked up at Sadie with sad eyes, still with tears ready to fall. "It's okay." Wiping her eyes, she sighed and said, "I know that I can be a pain and that I am a lot of times. I'm trying to be better. I'm sorry too."

"But Dani, that doesn't give me an excuse to complain randomly about stupid things —"

"No, it's okay. I'm also jealous of you and Grayson." She felt Ethan's hand grip her lower waist in response, as if the remark made him nervous and feel like he should do better as a boyfriend. Dani glanced at him, then back at Sadie, "Not of your relationship necessarily, but the way that you guys are so smart and patient about things. I'm with a man and I couldn't ask for anyone better for me. It's just that Ethan and I have both agreed in the past that if we had made different, smarter decisions years ago, maybe life would've been easier or we would be better off. Not that I would ever change having Grant, of course."

Her sister nodded. "No, I know. But your life is your own, and that's what makes it unique and interesting and our family, our own, big awesome family." She turned to Ethan. "And Ethan, I'm sorry for calling you a drama queen."

Ethan shrugged. "I've heard it many times before. It's okay," he said with a smile as both of the girl's smiled as well.

Sadie began to imitate him when he stubbed his toe, faking a pained yell and dramatic expression to go with it. "Hey, watch it now," Ethan warned, making her laugh.

It was great that everything could always go back to the way it was before after they talked about and explained things and apologized.

Because they were family, and they cared and so deeply about each other.

After all, isn't that what family is for?


Already semi-late for a dentist's appointment, Andy rushed down the stairs from his bedroom and grabbing his keys to unlock the car and rev the engine of his Dodge Challenger and he made a grand, quick escape from the driveway and be off to his appointment on time.

Or a few minutes late. They probably wouldn't notice. It was ok.

That's the image he had played in his head, at least, right before he got down to the driveway and then beside his car, pressing the unlock button on the fob repeatedly even as he got right up to the thing. Grinding his teeth, frustrated and anxious to leave and attempt to be on time, he pressed it a few more times.

Pausing, he grumbled before touching the key fob directly to the door by the handle, and finally heard the click telling him the car had finally unlocked. He threw his head back, annoyed as he opened the driver's side door and got in, starting the car right away.

He needed to remember, and when he did, not refuse to go grab the batteries from the kitchen to replace in that key fob.

As he began to pull away, he could've sworn he heard his name being called in the distance, and sure enough, after looking all around frantically, he saw his wife running down the driveway waving her hand all around to get him to stop. As she approached him, he rolled down his window, looking at her confused.

Exasperated, Scout breathed, "You forgot to floss."

He smiled out of the corner of his mouth, tilting his head, "Honey, it's fine. I'll get it when I get there. They're gonna clean my teeth anyway."

"But you want them to look as clean and healthy as possible when they do look at your teeth so they know you've been keeping up and being responsible."

"Scout, stop —"

"No seriously, Andy. It makes all the difference." She leaned further down at his seated level and held up the container of floss. "Here."

"Alright, whatever..."

"How am I gonna be able to know for sure if you did it?"

"Honey, I really have to leave now —"

"Here, let me just do it real quick."

"Scout, no, don't be ridiculous," he laughed, going to put the car into reverse again to continue backing out, but his wife insisted and reached in anyway to help him floss his teeth.

He felt ridiculous sitting there with his jaw hanging open having her do it for him.

She finished quickly, pulling her arms back out of the car, and he sucked on his teeth, checking them in the mirror, then looked back at her. "Great. Can I go now?"

Scout laughed adorably, making his heart flutter even though he was focusing on being late beforehand, and took his chin in her hand. "Yeah. You can go now," she said, kissing him quickly. He kissed her again, then a few more times to make sure he got all his kisses in before he left the house.

"I thought you had to go, silly?" she teased, and he jokingly widened his eyes and put the car into reverse.

"Yeah, right. I'm sorry, I was just too lost in you..."

"Get out of here Andrew," she laughed, shaking her head as he let off the brake, smiling giddily as he obeyed her command.

When he got to the dentist's office three minutes past his appointment slot time, they asked him why he had been late.

"Sorry. I got a little caught up in something at home," he responded lightly, smiling softly as he then looked down to sign the treatment form.

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