Glass shards

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I woke up with a cold sweat breathing completely uneven. Damn how many times have I passed out, can't count that many. I barely had enough energy to lift my head. Groaning I placed my palm on my head, i swear I've been hit by a brick.

My eyes finally settle back again on the dimly lit room. Sitting straight I look down at my other hand which is resting on the floor in a small pool of blood. Heck this is becoming normal for me. Bringing my bloody wet hand up to my face I examine it. Thoughts collecting my mind.

I'm absolutely going crazy. I smile at the situation I'm in, looking around the room. Broken stools and a large mirror on the right that covers the wall. I was in the same room as my dream slash nightmare or whatever you call it. I don't look in the mirror since I'm facing away but I know it's there I can just feel it. The blood slowly drips down my palm until it reaches under the sleeve of my hoodie.

That's when I drag my eyes away, it looked like the boy's lips, when the blood oozed down his chin to his hospital gown. His eyes coming back to me in faint memories, his eyes were gone because of me.... Throwing my head back it hurts, all of this seems too unreal but real at the same time.

I bring my clean hand up to my hair and grip it tightly pulling on it. I am the nameless one, she is my past life, she was the only soul to escape the hell, why her.... why me.

I turn around wanting to see my messed up state but immediately regretted it. The mirror was dirty yes, fogged out yes, but I could see myself. It hit me was the unsettling feeling that I forgot myself.

Straight brown hair toppled over my head after pulling it so roughly before. Dark eyes placed on white milky skin, right underneath a small path of freckles sprinkled over and just like in my hallucination I had wet eyes like I've been crying. Sitting down at the exact same spot before.
Shuffling my way messily over with wide eyes I push my fists into the glass slowly. My eyes glued to my own. How is someone able to look so much like their past life?

I look like an older version of her, but without the scar. A critical feature. I couldn't help myself and soon enough my fist came loud and harsh on the glass breaking it away as the glass shattered into a million pieces. Punching again with my other hand, I look up big mistake, the whole glass wall came down on top of my already frail body.

I made contact with the floor this time eyes wide as saucers and many painful cuts all over. There was no more glass wall, in replace just cement (I think it's cement, let's just say it is okay) . A sad smile made their way up my face. And I found it humorous....

That's it I'm actually going insane. Before I could yell at myself for being an actual ass I heard a squeaking noise. You know the same noise you make when you open a not so properly greased door (what the fuck is wrong with me, oh god). Okay fuck I couldn't move any of my libs they were paralyzed on the floor. Just like me.

Soon footsteps followed, shit I couldn't even move my head to look at who it was. The footsteps got closer and closer until it felt like it was right next to me. I held in a sharp breath. Closing my eyes, I don't wanna see who that is.

I feel nothing until a soft material came to contact with my face. That's when I opened my eyes another big mistake, a so familiar dark almost doll like eyes looked back at me. His treacherous face covered in red liquid. My mouth opened as a sign to scream but his hands replaced my mouth with words or whatever you let out when you scream.

His wet gloved finger touched my lips and from the metallic taste I knew what it was and grimaced. His black eyes looks as if it has no white only pupils. And those eyes were scanning my face up and down. The feeling of wanting to shout at him, throw him, punch him overcame me but I couldn't move at all. My fists opens and I felt small shards of glass collect on the flor below them.

He looks away from my face and down at the glass covering the floor. His eyes catch mine again and I gulp his gloved hand grabbed my face with force keeping it up straight. His other hand catches my attention. He was holding up a piece of glass, sharp and pointy in the end. His disgusting face tilts and a smile is replaced on his emotionless face.

He brought the glass to my face carefully lifting my chin up a bit mor and I comply with it. Now he moves the shard of glass up to my eyes and I shake is he gonna remove my eyes. Lucky for me he doesn't, he pushes the tip slightly to the rim of my eyes and drags it down my cheeks in an unpleasantly slow pace to my jaw.

My eyes were squint tight until he brings the shard away from my face. I knew exactly what he was doing, he was recreating the scar on the girls face. Realizing something else I fist my hands again but this time collecting the shards below, it hurts like hell but I did it anyways. Closing my palm enough so I can carry the shards in it. The edges cut the outer skin but I don't care. My mind moves over to the man as he suddenly speaks.

~That looks just about right~

His deep voice rusty from not talking for a long time but I heard it alright, he has no heart. He was the one to give her the scar yet here he is now giving me the scar.

~Now you look just like Anne, pathetic~

That's it I lost it. Retracting my hand towards his face I shove the glass pieces in between his eyes. He lets out a loud groan. Grabbing more from the ground not caring about the small stinging in my palms and face I throw them again this time against his nose and lips. He falls down against the glass and he screams out in a inhumanly noise. Taking that to my advantage I dash myself out of the goddamn room.

Sprinting towards the staircase my body felt like it's been run over but I ran up. Until to god knows what floor. I don't care as long as I can get away from.

My father

*Wattpad is a mean bitch, I had to write all these chapters atleast twice and now I'm literally going crazy.......

*that you for reading, byeeeeee

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