The Android That Escaped

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Somewhere in the middle of the sand dunes, there was a girl, a human girl who had found a Pod.
The Pod had spoke to her and then lead her to somewhere new, for fate had something in store for her.
The Pod was going to lead her to an android, an android that only she can awaken...and from there, a likely friendship will form between a human and an android...




(Y/n) squeaks, falling back on the sand, feeling her heart beating out of her chest as she trembled at the sight of her new discovery.

"I-It talked?!"

"Now that's not very nice...I have a name, you know."

"W-What the hell? Who are you? WHAT are you?"

(Y/n) questioned the small robot as she gets off the ground, watching the robot float on its own as a red light flickers from its head. The robot then uses one of its metallic hands, shaking (Y/n)'s hand as she stood there, shocked and lost for words.

"I am Pod unit 153, and you are (Y/n) (L/n), a human of the human race."

"H-Huh?! How did you know my name?!"

"I scanned you after you fell, now I know everything about you, (Y/n)."

"Oh yeah? Prove it, Metal Head!"

(Y/n) dares the Pod as she folds her arms, smirking. She had thought that this small machine was a joke, just like everything else...until the Pod answered everything about her correctly.

"You are approximately 18 years of age, you have an IQ of 220, you were born in a place called Los Angeles...and you have left your family for unknown reasons."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as her mouth dropped open. She couldn't believe that the Pod had gotten every single detail about her the Pod wasn't a joke after all. The Pod then floats in front of her, tilting its head as it stared at her.

"May I ask what is the unknown reason why you left your family behind?"


(Y/n) shoves the Pod away from her, causing it to fall into the sand. The Pod then picks itself up, shaking the sand off itself as it looked back at the human girl, who was on the verge of tears.
(Y/n) shakes her head as she rubs her eyes, hoping that she doesn't cry in front of the robot. The robot could probably be recording everything for that matter and she definitely didn't want anyone to see her in this vulnerable state.

"I'm sorry...I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

"...As you wish, (Y/n)."

"Well...why are you out here? Why were you buried in the sand?"

"...I was hiding from them."

"Them? Who's them?"

"The enemy..."

"Who the hell is the enemy?"

The Pod shakes it's head as it then floats away, causing (Y/n) to quickly hold the bag of cash over her shoulder and follow the robot, tripping over the sand as it got in her shoes.

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