Good Intentions, Bad Intentions

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"9S? 9S!"

"Huh? Yeah 2B?"

"Are you feeling well? You've been awfully quiet the whole time..."

"A-Ah! Was I?"

"Yes, if you want, we can go back to the Bunker and get your systems checked-"

"N-No no, I'm okay, don't worry about it, 2B. I was just...thinking."

"About what?"

2B asked as the two YoRHa androids made their way to the desert area of the abandoned city, the clicking of her heels echoing throughout the buildings.
9S rubs the back of his head, sighing.

"You know, about this whole war between us and the machines..."


"It's just sad to think that this city was once populated with humans, humans that had an amazing life here. And now it's all...gone."

"Once we destroy all of the machines, the humans will come back, then they'll be happy again...and then our mission will be complete."


9S replied in a quiet voice as the two then made it to the entrance of the desert area, stepping onto the soft sand as they patrol the area, finding any signs of machine life forms that were in hiding. 9S couldn't help but think about the voice he had heard in his head...he then felt something inside him...pain.
He grits his teeth as he falls on his knees, gripping his coat as he started to pant. 2B then turned around, gasping as she saw 9S's state.
She then kneels beside him, holding his shoulder.

"9S! What's wrong? 9S!"

The pain then subsided, causing 9S to take deep breaths as he then holds 2B's hand, carefully getting on his feet as he coughed.

"It's okay, I'm okay! Just...feeling weird."

"You're starting to worry me, 9S. Let's go back to the Bunker so we can get you checked...wait, I'm getting a message from the Council of Humanity, hold on."

2B said as her Pod rings, then pulls up a hologram screen. The two androids then listen to the broadcast as they continued patrolling the area, 2B keeping a close eye on 9S, who was falling behind.

"The Council of Humanity has a message for all of our brave androids fighting on the surface..."

9S rolls his eyes as he silently listens to the broadcast, for the sixth time.

This message's starting to get annoying.

"Currently, our struggle against the machine life forms is at a stalemate."

Yeah, no shit...these machines just keep multiplying by the second...

"This battle has raged for far too long. I am sure all of you find the effort grueling..."

Grueling? More like heartbreaking...we lost so many of our companions during this damn war...we've lost so many that I keep hearing their screams of pain and agony over and over again...

"But now is not the time to give up. Now, more than ever, we must forge on."

Yes but for how LONG?!
We've been doing this for years and I feel like we haven't accomplished anything at all!

"Remember that several hundred thousand humans on the moon want nothing more than to return to Earth. Glory to mankind."

The transmission then ends, causing 9S to sigh.

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