15: Hawaii 2

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I wake up to hearing waves in the distance. I open my eyes to see the beautiful view of the Hawaii Beach. I get dressed and sit out on the porch. I continue to admire the view. "Look at this it's beautiful" Stefan says I turn around to see him vlogging "it really is" I said nodding my head and looking back at the view. "I'm not talking about the view" he said as he say down beside me. I tried to hide the fact that I was blushing but failed miserably. I walked back inside of the villa to see Piper making pancakes and Walker attempting to help. By attempting I mean anytime he tried to help it made more of a mess. I laughed and sat at the kitchen island.


I'm sitting next to Symonne on the couch when Emily walks up to us. "Jentzen wants to talk to you" she says pointing towards the door. I walk outside of the door and see him standing there. "What's up" I ask curiously "follow me" Jentzen says while grabbing my hand. We walked to the beach and 'will you be my girlfriend' was written in sand. "Sophie fergi, you're amazing, you're kind, sweet, smart, and you am always make anybody around you smile. will you be my girlfriend?" He asks "yes" I reply and I hug him. We walk back to the villa holding hands. Piper, Symonne, Corinne, and Emily ask me loads of questions. Then Coco announces that breakfast was ready. We all ate breakfast and then got ready for to go ziplining. When we arrive we get separated into groups. Piper, Walker, Emily, Sawyer, Jentzen, and I are in one group. Corinne, Aidan, Coco, Gavin, Stefan, and Mariam are in the next group. Clementine, Hayden, Jenna, Lev, Sawyer, and Indigo. Hayley, Txunamy, and Julian were in the last group. The higher up the staircase we climb the more nervous I get. I start to panic. I suddenly remember that I have a fear of heights. 'Breathe in, breathe out' I remind myself. Then Jentzen grabs my hand. I guess he could tell that I was nervous. "You've got this Soph" Jentzen says. A few minutes later I find myself ziplining. Once I got over how high in the air I was, it wasn't that bad. It was actually kind of fun. I guess the main thing keeping me from panicking even more is Jentzen's smile as he passes me. I smile back. Jentzen Ramirez, the person I thought was just my best friend. Now I'm dating him and I couldn't be happier. This Hawaii trip is going to be so amazing.

Authors Note:

The next chapter may take a while to get up because I'm going to try and make it a really long chapter.

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