5: I like you

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When I wake up I suddenly remember what Walker had said to me yesterday.  He said he had a crush on me, I think I like him as well. I'm not completely sure yet so maybe I just don't say anything until I know I like him.

I sit on the couch and text Hayley because she's still in new york. She says that they should be back tomorrow which is exciting. Txunamy sits down next to me and turns the TV on. Riverdale is playing on the TV so I leave because I'm not a huge riverdale fan. When I get back to my room I get a text from my agent and they ask me if I'd be interested in working on a brat show with Piper, Sophie, Jenna, and Mariam as well. I say sure and ask what the show is called. It will be called "Thetre Department" and it's going to be about the theatre department at Attaway Middle School putting together a play. I accept and then talk to Piper, Sophie, and Mariam about it.

                       The next day

"Sophie wake up we have to go pick our friends from the airport, they're bringing some new memebers with them" Piper yells while shaking me awake. "Okay, okay I'm up" I say while lifting my head. I walk to the kitchen and put a bagel in the toaster. "Sophie, the uber's here" Piper shouts right as my bagel pops out of the toaster. I roll my eyes and run to the door to get into the uber. The uber is actually a limo and not an uber so that's cool because they have free food. I grab a bag of pretzels and open the bag. When we get to the airport everyone is already waiting at the baggage claim. We help them get their bags in the limo trunk and then we all get in the car. "This is Symonne" Hayley says "Hi nice to meet y'all" Symonne says. "This is Emily" Clementine says pointing to a girl with blonde hair "hi everyone" she says "and this is Jullian" Gavin and Hayley say "hi" Jullian says. When we get home everyone else is there ready to greet them. "Welcome to the Hype House!" Everyone shouts so loud you could probably hear them in Antarctica. When we walk inside the forst thing we saw was the house covered in trampolines. "How did y'all do this an hour and a half?" Piper asks "team work" Coco says. Everyone finally walks inside and starts jumping on the  trampolines. I decide to vlog and introduce all the new squad memebers.

I decide to bake a cake to welcome the new members. I make a confetti cake and top it with purple frosting with yellow writing that says "Welcome to the Hype House". Clementine and Hayley come downstairs to help me but the most help they're doing is eating the left over cake batter. When the cake is finished we hide it in the fridge. We film a video for Sophie's channel which is last to drink water and we all eat a bunch of spicy food. When we're done filming Clementine starts a live which is when we show the new members the cake. "When did y'all bake this" Symonne asks "while y'all were unpacking" Clementine replies. We all decide to have a sleepover on the trampolines because why not. Gavin, Hayley, Julian, and I go to Target to get food and board games. "Let's get Annie's gummies" Hayley says "definitely. everyone loves those" I agree "y'all get the food and we get the board games" Gavin says. We go our separate ways and Hayley and I get: gummies, goldfish, and koolaid. When we meet up with gavin they have the game of life, headbands, speak out, and candy land. When we get back to the house everyone already has the trampolines covered in blankets and pillows. We decide to start with the game headbands. Txunamy is the first one to go for headbands. The card she gets is phone and she guesses what it was just by asking a few questions. We play headbands for about an hour and then we play speak out which was really hard. We then decide to play mofia and that goes on for a straight 3 hours and then we realize it's 2 in the morning and decide we should sleep.

I wake up and it's 4am in the morning. Why have I been waking up this early recently? I go to the kitchen and see someone already sitting at the island. "Hey Sophie" they said, I could tell by the person's voice that it was Jentzen. "Hey Jentzen" I say sitting in the chair next to his. "Couldn't sleep?" I ask "yeah" he said getting up to grab something from the pantry. He grabs all the supplies to bake cookies and and he grabs the other ingredients from the fridge. I get up and preheat the oven to 350°. I watch as two more figures enter the kitchen. It's Mariam and Stefan and they come and sit at the island. Jentzen starts adding the dry ingredients to a bowl so I pour the other ingredients into a different bowl. We put the cookies in the oven and I drop the tray we were gonna put the second batch on, waking Piper and Walker. They join us in the kitchen and help us put everything back in the fridge and pantry. It's now 5am and people are slowly waking up to the smell of cookies. Everyone rushes over when they see other people eating cookies and within minutes all the cookies are gone except for one probably because we only made 20 cookies and there are 19 of us. When Gavin's mom walks into the house she takes the last cookie so Hayden and him would stop fighting over it.


Sophie, Clementine, Jenna, Maraim, and I are all watching Stranger Things when walker asks if he can talk to me. We walk to the kitchen and he says "Piper I don't know if you feel the same, but I really like you" he says he stops for a second and looks nervous "and I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me" he finishes "I like you too" I say "and I would love to go on a date with you".

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