Jeff gave me a quick smile before replying to my question, "Can you come to the stage for a minute?" I gave him a confused glance, before nodding slowly. "Sure, why though?" Jeff shrugged with an unconvincing glance and rushed out of my dressing room. What does he have planned?

     I quickly picked up my phone and texted Louis back quickly, while putting away my notebook in my bag.

Syd: Actually let me have a rain check, I just got called in by Harrys manager.

Doncaster Bud: Oh shit, better go..what did you? Kissssss?

Syd: shut your sassy lips

Doncaster Bud: haha, have fun! chat me soon!

Syd: will do! :)

     I laughed at me and Louis silly banter and left my room to the stage area. As I was walking towards the stage, I started to wonder a little more why I had to go. The show was still going on, so what would the need me for?

     When I reached the end of the stage, I was quickly handed a mic, by one of the crew members. I was quite confused and I did not even have a chance to ask, before the crew member rushed off. I looked down at the mic and quietly whispered, "What the fuck?"

     I looked up and started to search my surroundings for Jeff or Curtis. I was about to walk off and find one of them but stopped right in my spot when I heard a voice come from the stage. I turned around slowly to be making direct eye contact with the Harry.

     I heard the crowd screaming loudly, while he kept the intense eye contact with me from the center of the stage. He gave me a cheeky smirk, before bring the microphone to his pink lips. I furrowed my eye brows and mouthed, what is going on?

     He laughed lightly at me, before turning back to the crowd. As soon as he opened his mouth, more girly screams were heard from all over the arena. The affect this man has on people is still mind blowing to me. He could ask some of his fans to get on their knees and kiss his feet and they would. He was some of his fans world. He was slowly becoming mine.

     "For my final song of the night, I would like to bring out a special guest." I crowd immediately started to scream louder out of anticipation of who he would bring out. My eyes quickly widened and I started to back up slightly. Oh hell no. Not going to happen. I do not even look stage ready.

    I changed from my sparkly jumpsuit and I was just wearing grey sweats and a blue tank top. Also, if I messed up on the same stage as Harry fucking Styles I would be ridiculed on social media. I already got a more hate than usual, because of all the dating rumors with Harry, which were not technically rumors anymore. We still had not talked about what happened in Rio. After we kissed, we were interrupted by security and were immediately sent back to the hotel. I was so confused. We agreed to be friends, but then he sweet talks me and I am back under his spell. Well, to be fair I do not ever think I was out of his spell. It is not fair, whenever I am around him I automatically get butterflies. Well, not right. Right now I just want to choke him out. There is no way I would be able to step on that stage with Harry. Being on stage alone is different, cause I am just in my element and pretending it is just me in the whole arena. Being on stage with Harry is a lot of pressure with tons of girls videoing my performance waiting for me to mess up, yeah I'm good. 

     As I continued to back up as secretly as I could, I was stopped by a strong hold on my shoulder. I huffed dramatically to see Jeff smirking down at me. "Really? Do I have to?" Jeff shrugged, before removing his hand and whispering, "Harry is staring right at you, so to late." I sighed heavily before dragging my feet on to the stage. I heard Jeff's obnoxious laugh and as soon as I arrived on the stage my face turned bright red. I was so scared.

POPSTAR; harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now