Avengers vs. Pros

Start from the beginning

"Well what am I supposed to tell the DMV ? That I'm from Asgard ? And why would I need a car when I can fly"? Thor said. All Might looked at the Avengers licenses and turned to Tony.

"Is this what you call a joke"??? All Might said shoving the licenses to Tony's mask. Tony moved All Might's hands from his mask.

"Well you asked for our licenses. Here they are". Tony said. "He wants to see your hero license". A gloomy, lifeless and dual voice said. The Avengers turned and saw a guy with long black hair, a black shirt, black pants and a big grey scarf and looked like he hadn't slept in days. He walked up the the hero's. His name was Shota Aizawa. He was also know as pro hero Eraserhead (I'm not joking, that's his hero name)

"So do you, any of you have a hero license"? Aizawa asked walking to Iron Man. Tony raised a eyebrow confused by what Aizawa was saying.

"Since when do we need I license to fight crime". Tony asked looking at Aizawa. Aizawa just rolled his eyes annoyed.

"Look do you have a hero license or-". As Aizawa spoke the sound of loud punches on metal could be heard. The hero's stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction of the sound. The sound's of roars, bashing and punching could be heard in the Quinjet. Iron Man turned his head to Captain America. Under his helmet Tony had a look of fear on his face.

"Oh crap. Um, hey Cap? Who or what the hell pissed off Banner"? Tony asked Captain America nervously as suddenly what looked like a muscular, flaming man was either punched or thrown out of the jet as a giant, green muscular and angry creature known as the Hulk jumped out of the jet

 Um, hey Cap? Who or what the hell pissed off Banner"? Tony asked Captain America nervously as suddenly what looked like a muscular, flaming man was either punched or thrown out of the jet as a giant, green muscular and angry creature known as the...

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"HHHHHUUUULLLLKKKKK!!!! FLAMING MAN BURN HULK!!! HULK RIP OFF FLAMING MANS HEAD"!!!!! Hulk shouted out in anger. Scott Lang/Ant Man stepped back a couple feet. He gulped nervously and spoke. "Christ we are gone for five minutes and this happens ? What the hell even happened in there"? Scott asked completely surprised

A few minutes ago

Banner sat in the jet nervously as he watched what was going on outside. A lot was going on in such a short amount of time. They had traveled to God knows where, were also in a burning city, had come across what looked like a Godzilla reject (The slime monster) and what looked like a mix of Captain America and Thor (All Might). Banner would be lying if he said he wasn't scared. Banner kept taking calming breaths hoping to calm down. Usually whenever he was in this type of situation he always had Natasha Romanova by his side to help him or he would use his trick in always being angry, but this situation was different. He was alone, lost, and terrified. Then there was a loud banging at the door. Endeavor, the number two hero along with the number three hero Hawks had just arrived to the area. After being called in about the slime monster and the so called vigilantes. Endeavor and Hawks were told by the police chief Naomasa Tsukauchi had told the two pros to confiscate and patrol the jet, just in case the so called "Vigilante's" were hiding anything dangerous in there.

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