Chapter 13

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I read the message again, "Hello, your friend needs help." I still can't process it.

The next chat confirmed my fear, "He is in the hospital. Now we use his telephone. He can't move and talk."

I was frozen in my seat. My hands were shaking when I replied. I asked, "What happened?"

He responded, "Accident."

It was weird reading "his" messages of his fate.

I felt like a bucket of ice-cold water was poured over my head. I asked again like a robot, "What happened? Omg! Hold on, I'll call."

I ran out of the office to make the call but before I could, my phone was already ringing. I answered it and before the person could say anything else, I bombarded him with questions. I asked again what happened, if he is okay, I meant if it's something serious, if there's no major injury. I wanted to know all of the details at once. The guy on the other end of the line said that he really doesn't know the whole story because he is just an interpreter of the hospital. He said Lucien was brought to the hospital by an ambulance. He said that the doctor explained to him that he has a little bone fracture at the back of his neck and a pelvic fracture. I cried. It sounded serious to me... but maybe a doctor's explanation won't be so bad to hear, I guess.

Then the guy asked if I wanted to see Lucien through cam. I said, yes please. When he turned on the video, I saw Lucien lying straight in bed with a neck brace. I checked for signs of movement. I saw that his head was moving a bit. His eyes were open and show signs of movement too. Thank God, he was awake. I pitied him, it broke my heart and it made me cry. All I said was, "Babe..."

A few seconds later Lucien's mom joined the videocall. She was in tears too. I didn't know what to do or what to say to her. She doesn't speak English. She also didn't know what to say. All she did was call my name... but what can I say? I also don't speak French. So, I just said, "Yes, yes..." Then I just pointed at the other video box of Lucien.. and said, "Look, Lucien, Lucien." She was crying. It looked like a comedy while we were both crying because we didn't know what to say to each other. She was calling my name. I was calling Lucien's name. It made me cry more because of the situation. I should learn to speak French already. (During the holiday with his family, Lucien would teach me what to say to his mom. Even if I beg him to just tell her what I wanted to say to her, he'll say that I should be the one to tell her and would teach me how to say it in French. He'll ask me to repeat after him.)

Going back to our video call with the guy from the hospital, it really broke my heart seeing him in bed like that. He's awake but he looked oblivious of what has happened to him. I guess, he's still in a state of shock. I covered my face with both of my hands and slowly wiped my tears.

I asked for more information from the guy about Lucien's condition. I wanted the specifics. I wanted to know if he's okay or if he has no major injuries or if he needs operation or what. I wanted to know everything there is to know about his condition. The guy put me on hold to ask the doctor about it and he placed the phone by Lucien's bed. I talked to him though I know he won't be able to respond and I was not sure if he could hear me. I said, "Babe... what happened? Everything's will be okay babe.... I wish I am there now to take care of you." Of course, no response. The desperation of wanting to be with him made me cry again.

A few minutes later, the guy went back and gave me the same information that he shared earlier. Maybe that was what the doctor told him to give us. He reassured me though that he's in a stable condition despite his injuries. He said he has some fractures but overall his condition is okay. I was close to tears again. I had to hold them back. I didn't want Lucien to hear me cry. By that time, his mom already left the call. I was sure it was hard for her to see Lucien like that.

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