Chapter 3

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Today started off as normal, I woke up, had a breakfast, went to SM and danced but after dance practice, a staff member came into the dance studio and told me my manager wanted me. I was quite surprised because I only saw my manager before going on stage to perform my songs and he'd drive me to SM in the morning. I said thank you to my dance instructor and the staff member who told me and left to go find my manager.

When I went into his office, he told me to sit down and said that he had good news for me. I took a seat and waited for him to tell me. Once I sat down he told me that I would be going on to weekly idol! I was so happy! I've always wanted to go on weekly idol and now I finally get the chance to. He also told me that I wouldn't be on the show by myself because Pd-nim said that it would make things more interesting.

I asked who I would be going on the show with and he said "well seeing as NCT just had a comeback, you'll be going with them". My heart was beating out of my chest. " Which NCT is it going to be?" I asked. "Oh, don't you know? It's going to be all 21 members!" He replied. Omg, I'm going to be meeting my ults!! This is so exciting! "When will I be going on the show?" I asked him. "Oh, you're going on next Monday". Wow it's so close. Today's already Friday so I don't have to wait too long.

"Is there anything that you need to tell me?"
"No, you may leave"
"Ok, thank you so much"
"You're welcome, goodbye Areum"

I was so excited that I could bearly focus when I was composing and doing my vocal lessons.

That night, I could barely sleep, I was so excited! Thoughts were running through my mind about Monday.

What if I embarrass myself in front of them? 11
What if they don't like me?
What if the hosts don't like me?
What if it gets cancelled?

So many thoughts like that were running through my mind so fast that I didn't realize myself dozing off.

*Time skip to Monday*

Oh My Goodness!!! Today's finally the day, I'm going on weekly idol with all of NCT!

I've been so excited all week and now it's finally happening!

I got up, did my morning routine and put on black ripped jeans and a black T-shirt. I had my breakfast and waited for my manager to come collect me and take me to the weekly idol building.

After what felt like forever, he finally came and took me to the building. The whole drive, I was blasting NCT's music through my headphones and dancing along in my seat.

After a 20 minute drive, we finally came to the building. We got out of the car and walked it and told the receptionist who we are and she told us where we're supposed to be. I went down to the room and saw my stylist. She gave me my outfit, which was black jeans with a white crop top. When I finished putting on my outfit, my stylist sat me down and did my makeup. She went for and brown, smokey eye with a nude lipstick.

After I was finished getting ready, I had to go to where the episode was being filmed and put on my mic and make sure it's working and stuff and that's when I saw NCT for the first time.

Oh my goodness they look even better in real life, holy shit. I'm so fucking nervous, I'm going to embarrass myself. I was looking down because I new that if I made eye contact with them that I'd blush. I think one of the hosts realized because they came over to me and started to talk to me.

"Hey, you're Areum right?"
"Yup, that's me"
"You seem nervous, is this your first time on a show like this"
"Ya that but also NCT were my favorite group growing up and they still are and this will be my first time meeting them"
"Aww cute, who's you bias"
"Oh, Haechan, he's my ult bias"
"Awww that's adorable"

She got called over to the other hosts and that's when I realized that telling her about NCT being my ults and Donghyuck being my ult bias was probably a bad idea and she seemed to be smirking in my direction while telling the other hosts something so I have a feeling that they will say during the recording about me liking NCT. I shouldn't of said that, this will be really embarrassing.

We got called to be in position by the edge of the stage so they can introduce us. NCT were going first then me. When I walked over they all said hello to me and quickly introduced themselves to me and I did the same.

The directors did a countdown and we all stayed quite and got in position. I'm so nervous!

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