Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm at 6am. I got up, did my morning routine and got dressed. I decided to wear a white jumper with black denim shorts and black shoes. I made my self some breakfast and walked to the SM Entertainment building.

When I got there I went to one of the free dancing studio and realized that I was early for my rehearsal so I put on My First and Last by NCT Dream and decided to dance to it to pass the time. NCT are my ult group and Donghyuck is my ult bias. There's just something about his vocals and the was he dances that I can't get enough off.

I finished dancing and then my dance instructor came in.
"I see you have already warmed up" he said to me because I was sitting on the floor panting. I just nodded and he went to set up the music. He put on one of the really upbeat songs on my  debut album and I started dancing. Every now and then he would correct me about something but in general I danced pretty well.

He gave me and ten minute break because of how upbeat that song is and said that we have to film the dance practice video for my new song so I got prepared to start dancing again while he set up the camera. He pressed play on the music and the camera and I started dancing.

When I finished rehearsal, he gave me a hug and told me that I did well. I went out of the studio and bumped into one of the staff members that worked here. "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry, I should have been looking where I was going" I said to here while helping her up. "Oh there's no need to apologize, I'm ok" she replied. I helped her with her things and left to go get some lunch as it was already 11 in the afternoon.

I returned back to the building as I went to a cafe to get some food and went to my personal recording studio. I'm constantly writing songs and composing beats because I help some other groups with writing their songs but I go under the alias 'ARM'. I was currently in the process of writing a song for EXO when my phone beeped. I checked it and it was my best friend from America, Kiera. She was wondering how idol life was treating me and we ended up video chatting for a few hours. It was 5pm by the time I finished chatting with Kiera and I continued with my composing.

At 6:30pm I had to go to the vocal studio with my vocal coach to practice my singing. It was quite boring because my coach is very strict but it's worth it.

I went home at around 12:30am and made myself a snack and decided to watch a few episodes of a drama that I like.

This was how my day was every single day for a few months. It was getting so tedious doing the same thing over and over again even though I love being an idol. Also my coaches have been getting stricter and stricter and it's really stressing me out. I had to start a new diet recently and I barely eat anything in a day, but all of this will pay off, it's for my own benefit.

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